Finally got through to someone at BCBS of North Carolina (I have the state plan) and breast pumps are not covered. She stated that she had no idea when the state plan would allow for pumps to be part of the plan and as of right now they are excluded-even with a prescription. I'm a little bummed and feeling blah about it.
I have had some people tell me if you plan on BFing you can go without it for awhile. STM's who BF'd is that true and how long can I hold off on getting one? I will be home with LO for 12 weeks and then return to work. Eventually I will need to pump while I am at work. Thanks in advance ladies.
Re: Pump Not Covered-Blah!
From my BF class, they say 5-6 weeks before you want to start pumping. You'll want it with plenty of time before you go back to work so that you can build up a supply for baby in day care.
Other advice from the class, don't bother with a manual pump if you're going back to work and plan to pump - it won't be nearly efficient enough to be effective. (My insurance will only cover a manual, so I'm in the same boat, paying out of pocket.)
I like to think of it this way - in the long run, the cost of investing in a good pump will still be significantly less than the cost of formula.
I'm on Tricare (military insurance) which is exempt from the new health care laws, so we're stuck without coverage also =/ but we are on WIC, and I'm not sure if that's something you're eligible for, but they do provide hospital grade pumps for free after the first month if you're working or a student. Just thought I'd throw that out there! I'm not working yet, but I may be after a few months, but still going to have to shell out the money myself. I'm going with an Ameda pump because it has better reviews than the Lansinoh, and I just looked... unfortuately Ameda isn't included in the deal
but it is only $139 on Amazon! I think I'm going to shell out the extra 40 bucks over the Lansinoh pump because the reviews just seem overall to be better... but it looks like you can get a Lansinoh pro pump with that deal for just over $100 which seems awesome!
Freya Lillian - 11/15/15
I know its really taboo here on the bump, but if you can't afford a good new pump, look for a used one. I bought a medela PISA from craigslist when DS1 was born for $100 and let me tell you...that was probably the most well spent money ever. I bought all new attachments, accessories and tubing and never had a single issue. The woman I purchased from claimed to have used it just a handful of times and then stopped because she had supply issues. It was obvious the pump had not been used much. I used my pump 5/week 3/day from the time DS1 was 5 months old until he was 14 months old. Invest in a good pump. They are definitely worth it!
Make a pregnancy ticker
Make a pregnancy ticker
Make a pregnancy ticker
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
I was using my iPhone so ignore the post below yours! This is great information and I'm going to give it a try. Thank you!!!
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
They said I'm 'grandfathered in' so I can't get a pump covered. I started with the state in Sept 2011 so not too long ago. How about you?
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
I started years ago too. I am wondering then if they told me the wrong info ... ugh how annoying!!