So this is baby number three for us and this has never happened. On Sat I woke up at 7am and between then and work at 11;30 I didn't feel any movement out of baby boy, which is far from normal. I drank juice laid on my sides etc. nadda. So my Dr. send me to the hospital at high risk OB to get a non stress test. Baby had a few decelerations so they kept me on for an extra 30 minutes and tested me for pre-e, by my blood pressure is good, no protein in my urine and no swelling. Then on Tues at my appointment they did one in office, and now that I am on weekly visits I will be getting one at every appointment. The baby looked good on Tues no issues, and he had no other decels in that extra half hour. I am just not sure what they are looking for.
Re: Non Stress Tests Every Week?
They are probably just keeping an eye on things and making sure no problems arise. I would rather have them check to make sure everything is ok weekly than to let it go.
I have to have one weekly due to having epilepsy,but I have had no other problems (except low platelets). I had my first nst this week and it was ok but I still have to have them.
I've been doing NSTs every week for a few weeks now and am now also going a second time each week for a biophysical profile sonogram. I've had high blood pressure throughout this pregnancy, so they're just taking extra precautions to keep an eye on baby.
As much as it is an annoyance to have to go twice a week, at least I know little one is still doing well.
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