February 2013 Moms

36 Week OB Appt and Breastfeeding Class

I had an eventful baby day yesterday!

OB appt went great.  Saw another new doctor and really liked her - that's three our of five doctors in my practice that I've really liked, and I think that's good.  Measuring right on track, baby's heartbeat was good, did the Group B Strep test (super-no-big-deal for those who haven't had it yet), and had internal exam - dilated 1-2cm and baby is 7cm high(?), which I was told was good for a first pregnancy.  Gotta get my thyroid test done before the next appointment.

The breastfeeding class was not quite what I expected.  I feel like I didn't hear a whole lot that I didn't already know.  Maybe a few things, like how the breast and nipple should be situated in baby's mouth, and what the "breast crawl" was(never heard of that before!), but otherwise, not really any new information.  We got a good sized book out of the class, but at one point the instructor told us it was pretty outdated, so that kind of bugged me.  Why would we be given outdated books?  Was the baby center just trying to get rid of them?  I'm interested to see if the lactation consultants in the hospital give me the same information or if I remember things from the class or book down the road that really help me.  Also (and I'm kind of a prude, so take this with a grain of salt), I felt that the video we watched had a lot of gratuitous boob - like, lots of boob that wasn't being used by the baby, just hanging out there.  Maybe that is really how people breastfeed - with everything hanging out - and I'm just sheltered or naive, but I didn't feel I really needed to see all that if it wasn't going to educate me in some way.  Isn't that the point of educational videos?

Best part of the class was when one of the moms-to-be asked when she could start having wine again.  She was a little embarrassed to be asking but you could tell she is dying for that wine.  It was cute and funny; we got a good laugh out of it.



Re: 36 Week OB Appt and Breastfeeding Class

  • Yay for making progress and not being crazy "I'm so going into labor tonight" about it ;)

    The bfing class stuff made me laugh.  That's how I felt about my labor and delivery class we took when I was pregnant with dd. I pretty much could have taught it.  As for the video...I've got to say, sometimes the more "super breastfeeding groups" kind of make a point to show how natural bfing is by not being ashamed in the least (not that they should be ashamed, but you know what I mean). That can translate into boob hanging out simply because they can.  It shouldn't make you uncomfortable, but don't worry, nobody expects you to do it that way...there's plenty of ways to discreetly bf if that's more your style (I know it's mine). I will also say, you will find yourself far less "prudish" than you could ever imagine in those weeks after delievery.  I don't know what it is, but you just suddenly realize it doesn't so much matter who sees your boob, your kid has to eat. It's an interesting phenomenom.


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