February 2013 Moms

Feeling really "weird"?

So I am 37 w 3 d and I woke up at 2 am feeling really anxious and could not go back to sleep. Started to feel slightly nauseated but it went away. All day I felt very slightly puffy and like my muscles have just all gone blah on me (like when you first wake up but nothing is pins and needles). Can't seem to sit still and feel really tired. Also I feel heavy and my stomach feels tighter. Has anyone else been through this? I don't want to call dr. and say I feel weird, I am not having any labor symptoms like back pain or water breaking (except BH but I've had those for months now). I think I'm going crazy!

Re: Feeling really "weird"?

  • This is me to a tee today!  No labor symptoms, except BH all day!


  • I think DH was really happy to go to work this morning. Ha Ha!
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  • Funny you posted this.  I was just telling my mom this morning that I am feeling off today.  I am 35 weeks 3 days and had some serious BH last night.  Though I have had a few today baby is not as active as he usually is, which always makes me a little nervous. Not sure where you live but here in NJ it's pretty gloomy out and I wonder if baby can tell when it's not nice out.  I slept through the entire night and slept soundly too so I can't really explain why I am so tired except I am pregnant :).
  • I am in DC and the weather is grey, gloomy, wet and cold. As a FTM I just don't know what symptoms mean something is happening, and what are just the joys of pregnancy.
  • At 37 weeks there's really no reason to call. Even if it were a sign of impending labor, there's nothing they can or will do until you're in active labor. Just wait and see!

    FWIW I've had a slightly upset stomach and lots of braxton hicks for the past two days.

  • I heard on the radio this morning that today is supposed to be "the worst day of the year".  Not sure where they got their info but they did say some article, and that by the weekend, people tend to start feeling better.  Could be the cause of all these weird feelings? 
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