So...this morning I woke up and my upper back is really achey in the mornings so I like to just relax a bit on the couch until things get hubby walks in the living room and is like "What are you making for breakfast?" (I normally make breakfast and he makes supper), I ask what he wants and he says scrabbled eggs & toast - fine. So he goes outside for a smoke and I'm just sitting waiting a few minutes so I'm back pain & now BH free before I make breakfast.....
He sits for less than 2 minutes, then gets up and comes back with leftover Pizza & eats that! I was like "Umm...I was going to make you eggs...." He just shrugs and eats the he seems super grumpy, and it's MAKING ME GRUMPY!! How ridiculous!! I realize how stupid this is! But holy EFF it makes me mad! Now I feel bad and I was like "I'm sorry, I was going to make breakfast...I just didn't know you wanted to eat THIS VERY SECOND" he's like "yah...whatever *shrug*"
OMG! I WANTED TO HIT HIM WITH THE FRYING PAN!!! Grrrr...Now I am grumpy and need something happy to think about, he's making me crazy today and I don't know why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry.. that is a pointless vent, I'm just sensitive lately and feel like a nutbag!
Re: I'm Grumpy Today...somebody cheer me up! NBR
At least you didn't have to make breakfast?
my husband asked me today "what if while you're like peeing a little hand just pops out and waves "like hello''"
while i know he was kidding about the baby saying hello he was very serious about what if a hand just pops out lol i hope this makes you laugh like it did for me.