February 2013 Moms

XP: Experiences with Drs/MWs and stress about impending delivery?

XPed from Natural Birth Board, as I wonder if women who see MWs have a different experience.

What has your experience been with your doctor/MW's stress level as you get closer to your due date?  Are they generally relaxed with a "babies come when they are ready" attitude or have they started to get more anxious about delivering early? 

Here's the deal:  my due date has been somewhat in flux for all of my pregnancy.  My "official EDD" is January 31st, which was set because my MWs do not want to run into their hospital policy of induction at 42 weeks.  However, based on my conception date and measurements, the MWs have always said that my EDD is probably more like January 24th-28th.  This would put me anywhere from 37w5d to 38w5d today.  For the last three appointments (since about 35 weeks), my MWs have been really anxious about my delivery and although they tell me "babies come when they are ready," they have been pretty adamant that this baby is coming early.  Their anxiety is exhibiting itself in ways that are kind of stressing me out - instructing me not to work, asking me to make sure that my mom (who is our doula) is here as soon as possible.  

So, obviously, this is causing me to be kind of stressed about when I might go into labor.  I have had a really healthy pregnancy (no signs of pre-e or other issues, healthy weight gain although my baby is measuring big) and have not had any signs of labor yet. I was completely prepared to go late (and at peace with that) until the MWs started getting nervous.

My question:  Has this been your experience?  What would you make of these attitudes from an otherwise very laid-back MW practice?

Re: XP: Experiences with Drs/MWs and stress about impending delivery?

  • I just think you need to completely forget about whatever is going on with your midwives.  As long as all of your tests, measurements and appointments are going well and you and your babies seem healthy, yuo don't need to worry about anything.

    Our bodies are so amazing and complex, and just as stress can effect our fertility, it also (in my experience) effects labor and delivery.  When you are under a lot of stress it could effect the timing of labor, and also your perception of the pain.  It can make pushing take longer.  I have no doubt that our babies decide to come when they know mom is healthy and relaxed and able to handle the work ahead.  So the more you worry right now, the harder it is all going to be.

    Trust your body and focus on how you want your birth to go - not on all of the things you think could go wrong.  You're going to be fine :)

  • I am not using a midwife but here is my take on it....From what I understand its fine to go a little late but at a certain point the placenta "wears out". It starts to degrade after too long. That would be the only thing that would worry about me about going too terribly far out past your due date. Do some research and make the choice that makes you feel comfortable and that doesn't stress you out. Good luck!
    --Married 4 Years - PCOS - Insulin Resistant - Irregular Cycles - TTC 24mon - Metformin - Progesterone - Phentermine - 40 pounds lost - 3 rounds Clomid - DH 1% sperm morphology - BFP June 23rd - Paxton born 2/15/2013 - August 2013 Let's Have Another Baby- Charting Cycles with OPC and Charting Temps, No Ovulation Jan- Start clomid Feb 2014  --
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  • That's funny that they are so nervous. Mine are very laid back. My own view is that once I hit 37 weeks, I can go at anytime and so be it. I've been telling myself that this babe's bday could be from the beginning if Feb to the beginning if March and that's ok. I think you should go with your gut feeling around how you feel. Don't let your midwives pressure into feeling something you aren't feeling.
    TTC 1: Off BCP late October 2011. BFP #1 Jan 2, 2012; EDD September 5, 2012; m/c Jan 12, 2012. BFP #2 June 14, 2012; EDD February 22, 2013.
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    My super all about me birth story:
    Then: Fraternal twins born at 26 weeks in 1983. Me: 640 grams. Brother: 840 grams. Family kept watch in the NICU for 5 months before being allowed to go home. On oxygen for a year and a half after being released.
    Now: Me: PhD student and married. Brother: Lawyer and married.
    Dad's wedding speech: Thank you to all the family who stood watch and prayed for our children's survival. Well now the little scrawny chicken is married. Who would've thought? (Thanks dad for making me laugh and cry at the same time).
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  • My OB is a big guy all about plans. But he also knows that nature will take it's course. He is the head of the OB/GYN dept at the hospital and was my OB for my DD#1 12 yrs ago...he's been around and seen a lot. A gentle giant of a man and doesn't divulge his "plan" until he knows that LO is on board with it, having him is very relaxing even being high risk like I am.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My midwife has been really laid back. I even brought up the question of "what happens if I go 2 weeks past my due date?" and she just said we will cross that bridge if we get to it. I found that comforting. The only thing she got really concerned about was when I told her that work was really stressing me out. She was not happy about that and said that she will pull me out if she has to. 
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    Our Sweet Boy "LJ"
  • imagekbates85:
    My midwife has been really laid back. I even brought up the question of "what happens if I go 2 weeks past my due date?" and she just said we will cross that bridge if we get to it. I found that comforting. The only thing she got really concerned about was when I told her that work was really stressing me out. She was not happy about that and said that she will pull me out if she has to. 

    Yep - I also got that lecture yesterday... and a note requiring that I work from home for the duration.  Not that I am complaining - getting dressed up and sitting at a desk all day has started taking a toll. 

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