Oddly one of my biggest concerns during labor is over heating. When I get super hot I have a tendency to pass out. These days I get hot very easily and I feel like I'm suffocating.
Any recommendations for staying cool in the hospital? I'm thinking about buying a small battery operated fan and some of those instant cold packs. Any good fans you can think of? Other things I can bring with me that will help me stay cool?
Re: Staying cool in the delivery room
1/1 Spotting, 1/3 beta 36,000, 1/5 u/s empty sac measuring 7w (9w5d), 1/6 d&c
You will always be loved & missed our sweet angel.
I don't remember being terribly hot during labor and pushing. I do remember have major chills immediately after birth though, I just couldn't get warm and my teeth were chattering. I read this was common with those who don't get epi's.
Like pp's said you should need to bring anything, you will be able to adjust the temp to your comfort level and cold washcloths + ice chips are usually enough.
Thanks for posting this...I've been wondering the same thing. I'd love to spend some time in the tub but I just can't seem to handle heat anymore.
This! I was on magnesium with DS1 and that stuff makes you HAWT. I had that room like a refrigerator. DH was dressed in multiple layers, haha, while I was pretty much naked.
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Thanks for asking this question!
While on the subject of overheating, I just started dripping sweat during a work meeting while I was talking. I'm pretty sure I just grossed out all of my coworkers. I hate that I get hotter when put on the spot like that.