My DH is Japanese and we named our first DD with all English names. When she was about a year old we decided we wanted to add a Japanese middle name. But I wasn't sure if we wanted it to just be her nickname or make it legal. Now with #2 coming we have both English and Japanese middle names picked out and I don't want #1 to feel left out. Should I update/revise #1's birth certificate and SS card?? Are two middle names too many?
Re: Two middle names?
I think anyways
First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013
BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014
It seems to me like you're making it a bigger deal than need be.
My brother just had a son and they gave him an English first name and a Sri Lankan middle name.
Now, there's nothing wrong with two middle names, but I wouldn't go back and update #1. I don't think she'll feel left out.