A friend you know is getting a boob job after having a few kids and not liking breasts anymore. Other friend (if it matters at all, has no kids/always "loved" her boobs in the past) is telling her boyfriend about said friend. Boyfriend says, "You should totally go with her and get yours fixed."
Is this a "guys will be guys comment"?
Re: reaction to, "You should TOTALLY get a boob job" ?
The word "fixed' implies he thinks something is wrong with them. That would upset me. I think, if he had said something like "You should totally go with her and make yours bigger" that would be a guys will be guys comment. I still wouldn't appreciate it, but I wouldn't be as bothered by it.
Have you ever seen her boobs?
Maybe something is wrong with them and she complains to him all the time about it...
No. This is an *** comment.
Your woman's boobs can be a train wreck, but even if she asks if she should get them done, you say "You don't need to. You look fine. It's your decision, but I think you look beautiful".
I've seen her boobs. There's nothing wrong with them.
Even if there*is* something wrong with them he still deserves a *** punch.
just checking ladies and gentlemen.
(contiues to want to punch friends "boyfriend" in the nuts for saying this to her...)
I have another friend who has HUGE boobs, so naturally, they're saggy. Also she has an inverted nipple. She told her BF she wants to come with me to get "fixed" and he was like "No Way!"
This other guy is such a D*CKBAG. And my friend is like, "no.. he loves me he's just really into boobs" (mind you.. this is the friend who's having the affair with the married man...)
wha whaaaa...
a punch?? he deserves a sickle to the scrotum seam!!!
::Golf clap::
DS2 August 2012
OMG this! What a jerk!
This. That was really douchetastic.
"You should get a boob job" is far better than "you should get your boobs fixed". Jack*ss.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
Final rating: Douche.
ETA: Wt ef Bump, my siggie/avatar wont update
Dude, if it worked and was safe, 90% of men would probably get their junk inflated.
Yup. How rude.
Sadly, he doesn't have a small wiener. I think he's a HUGE dlck because he actually has a very very huge pen. ....saw a picture.
you need better friends.
you need better friends.