February 2013 Moms

Spider veins

I noticed that all over the backs on my thighs I've developed spider veins. Anyone else have any show up? Or vericose veins? Is there anything you can do about them?
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Re: Spider veins

  • I have red and purple little veins on my legs right under my butt. And on the sides of my legs in two small patches. UGLY! I hope they go away. I have just been using palmers lotion. On my left leg I have two varicose veins. They are pretty nasty too.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had some small ones that didn't go away after my first pregnancy, and through this pregnancy my legs look like a road map. I won't even wear shorts/skirts around the house and haven't since September and I live in Texas... Most of the issues will go away 6-8 weeks after delivery- they are just due to increased blood volume during your pregnancy. Some may hang around but for the most part they should fade, unless your family (mother) has a history of varicose and spider veins. If they are in your legs you can wear compression socks or hose during the day to keep your blood circulating, prop your feet up when possible. Other than that, it's just another trademark pregnancy symptom.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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