February 2012 Moms

Dropping pumps

Karlee's fb post just got me thinking.  I EP 3x per day.  DS's birthday is in 26 days (insane!!), so I'm thinking that it's probably time to start dropping pumps.  Right now, I pump when I get up, again around lunchtime, and then again before I go to bed.  EP'ing mamas who have weaned...help me out please.  Which pump do I drop first (I'm thinking probably the lunch pump), when do I start doing this, and how long should I go before dropping another?

I have to say - I'm not going to miss pumping AT ALL, but I will miss the break at work, and also that DS wont "need" me anymore.  I love it that he's getting older and more fun and interactive, but I also want him to slow it down a little! 

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Re: Dropping pumps

  • I am so glad you posted this.

    My DD is just a little over 11 months and I EP for her also. My supply has dropped so much ever since AF came last month. I am having to supplement around 8oz from my freezer stash everyday, and at this rate, at 12 months I predict my freezer stash will be gone. I also have a few questions, not to hijak your post, and I hope you do not mind. I apologize ahead of time for the TMI

    Did your supply ever change when AF came back? To me the week that I am going to start, my supply tanks, then once I am actually on my cycle it comes back. This is only the second month so I am trying to know what to look forward to.

    Did you drop 1 session at a time mark? I try to pump 4 times a day, all around 15-20 min. Sometimes I fall asleep early or wake up late, so I miss a session and will pump 3 times. I am kind of scared to drop to any less than 3 sessions, with a declining supply, I am afraid I will tank all together.

    Do you remember how many ounces were you getting during a pumping session or just in a day?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it. I plan to pump until DD is 12 months, and I was maybe considering until 18 months depending on my supply. I would love to hear any tips or input. I am so tired of my pump!

    I think it is awesome you provided BM for your LO for this long! Way to go mama! You should be so proud of yourself!

    My original plan was to drop middle of the day session(s), then night, and eventually just be down to the morning session once a day. However, if I do that now, before D is 1, I will not be able to provide 100% expressed milk and will have to either add cow's milk or formula.

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  • Did your supply ever change when AF came back?
    Yes! And even more when getting pregnant. Weaning by 11 months and then he will used stored and start to introduce whole milk.

    Did you drop 1 session at a time mark?
    I dropped from 4 to 3 and now 2. I personally don't recommend that route. Your supply will tank a lot more and it's quite painful.. Now I am weaning by minutes. The doctor told me that this is the least painful way.

    Do you remember how many ounces were you getting during a pumping session or just in a day?
    I know per pumping session.

     Great work, you also should be proud of yourself. Smile

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  • AF hasnt come back yet, so I'm not able to help with that one.  I guess I should have added that we're giving DS a bottle of formula at night cause I cant completely keep up with him.

     And good job to you too - it's hard work and you should be proud.  =)

     Weaning by minutes is a good idea, maybe I'll try that.  I'm currently pumping 30-45 minutes per session.

     Thanks, ladies!

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  • I don't understand my supply...I decided to wean and drop a session, then I am back to 10 ozs a day all of a sudden so I am staying with it.

    And I have to say.... every single time I read this title I have an awful flashback.

    Work trip, in the bathroom, pumping desperately before boarding a plane at La Guardia after clearing security for the second time (and they scanned every.single.bag of EBM) I literally dropped my freshly sterilized pump on the bathroom floor.  So I read "dropping pumps" and feel nasueous and tense.

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  • imageJlobebe2012:

    I plan to pump until DD is 12 months, and I was maybe considering until 18 months depending on my supply. I would love to hear any tips or input. I am so tired of my pump!

    My original plan was to drop middle of the day session(s), then night, and eventually just be down to the morning session once a day.

    That for me too.

    I EP and currently pump 3x a day. I am debating when to drop to two pumps (I would drop the midday pump first) and continuing until 18 months if my supply stays decent. He is starting to drink less and likes WCM (added it the week after he turned 11 months while he eats dinner). I really am only considering continuing it for the antibodies. I get sick a lot and I feel like he gets better faster (if he gets it first) or avoids it all together (if I get it first). I can't decide! Maybe I will drop to two pumps on his birthday and then keep two pumps at least through the end of March (because I think that's the end of flu season?) and reassess then.

    Did your supply ever change when AF came back?

    Yes. It drops right before and during the first few days but then usually returns to normal.

    Did you drop 1 session at a time mark?

    No particular time but I would probably wait at least a week in between dropping pumps. 

    Do you remember how many ounces were you getting during a pumping session or just in a day?

    The most I recall I've made a day is 28 ounces. I started EP at 4 months with 6 pumps. I dropped a pump as he dropped bottles, down to four. I dropped down to three a week and a half ago. I had a big supply drop in November because I had the stomach virus and only pumped 3x and 2x on one day. The usual things that bring it back aren't working and I don't want to put extra effort in if I am going to stop soon. I get on average between 16-20oz right now and supplement with freezer stash. I think I have 30oz left in the freezer.

  • image2chatter:

    I don't understand my supply...I decided to wean and drop a session, then I am back to 10 ozs a day all of a sudden so I am staying with it.

    And I have to say.... every single time I read this title I have an awful flashback.

    Work trip, in the bathroom, pumping desperately before boarding a plane at La Guardia after clearing security for the second time (and they scanned every.single.bag of EBM) I literally dropped my freshly sterilized pump on the bathroom floor.  So I read "dropping pumps" and feel nasueous and tense.

    I just read this about La Guardia. I had to smile because I had a similar situation when I was in two different airports this past fall with checking every.single.bag. They scanned everything, and then once it was clear... security told me that the ice pack that was keeping it cold was melting therefore we could not take the icepack on the flight. so bizarre.

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  • They felt the pack and I was so nervous they would try to take it!  I had the regulations from TSA printed though - which say you can take them partially frozen.  I was 6 hours from my fridge so I would have been crushed!!!!
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