37 weeks, up 28 lbs. I'm convinced 4 or 5 lbs of that is just Christmas cookies though! I was gaining a steady 1lb per week from about 14 weeks up until early to mid December, then ramped it up to 2 per week for a bit. No scolding from my OB though, so he must be ok with it!
33 weeks and up 9 pounds Sounds like such a small amount but everyone asks if im going to have twins.... Im 4'11 and weighed 125 when I got pregnant so I think he has no where to go but out.... and out and out and out. LOL
--Married 4 Years - PCOS - Insulin Resistant - Irregular Cycles - TTC 24mon - Metformin - Progesterone - Phentermine - 40 pounds lost - 3 rounds Clomid - DH 1% sperm morphology - BFP June 23rd - Paxton born 2/15/2013 - August 2013 Let's Have Another Baby- Charting Cycles with OPC and Charting Temps, No Ovulation Jan- Start clomid Feb 2014 --
Ek. 40 pounds.. from 125 to 165. My doc doesn't seem worried about it though.
similar situation here - up ~50 though! (125 to 175 @ 36 weeks). my dr doesn't seem worried about it at all, but I'm still concerned about losing the weight afterward
M & M
06/12 - BFP!!!! Beta #1 15dpo - 256 Beta #2 18dpo - 1097 6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!! EDD 02/21/13 09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks.
37 weeks, up 28 lbs. I'm convinced 4 or 5 lbs of that is just Christmas cookies though! I was gaining a steady 1lb per week from about 14 weeks up until early to mid December, then ramped it up to 2 per week for a bit. No scolding from my OB though, so he must be ok with it!
haha--my doc specifically commended me on my weight gain (28lbs), given that we just finished the holidays. i think Christmas cookie-fueled weight gain is common. and totally legitimate.
Married 2/15/09,
BFP #1 02/03/12 - EDD 10/13/12, Missed M/C 03/15/12@9w5d (measuring 8w3d)
They weren't kidding when they said "Beware the Ides of March"
BFP#2 06/13/12 - Emily Samantha born on Feb 9, 2013!
35 weeks: up 4 lbs, which is astonishing since I have probably literally ate my weight in ice cream in the past 2 months....
(technically, given the weight of baby and fluids, etc, my doc says I've actually lost MY mass and gained baby's. Whatever... as a plus sized lady, I'll take any excuse for weight loss!)
At my appointment last week (35w5d), I was up 35 lbs. Ugh. Right before getting preggo, I lost 28 pounds and was the thinnest I'd been since getting married. I've definitely splurged with eating during this pregnancy though, and I think it's because I was so careful for a year prior to getting pregnant.
33 weeks up 3 lbs... doc says when all is said n done I'll have probably lost 15-20 lbs My first son I gained 28 and when he was out I had only actually gained 4 lbs. My boys take all I've got apparently.
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Re: How much weight have you gained?
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
Our Fur Babies: Karma and Abbey
similar situation here - up ~50 though! (125 to 175 @ 36 weeks). my dr doesn't seem worried about it at all, but I'm still concerned about losing the weight afterward
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
06/12 - BFP!!!!
Beta #1 15dpo - 256
Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
EDD 02/21/13
09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks.
haha--my doc specifically commended me on my weight gain (28lbs), given that we just finished the holidays.
i think Christmas cookie-fueled weight gain is common. and totally legitimate.
I like yarn: Learner's Per-knit
Preggo blog: There's No D#$% Stork
36 weeks almost 37, gained= 60 pounds.(No GD or twins)
My midwife thinks baby girl is gonna be a big'n.
June 2010-April 2012: Lots of trying, chlomid, gonal-f, with triggers, without, IUI's and tons of BFNs
May2012: Letrozole + IUI = BFP!!!! Due 2/10/13
35 weeks and up from a 130lbs start to 143lbs now
35 weeks: up 4 lbs, which is astonishing since I have probably literally ate my weight in ice cream in the past 2 months....
(technically, given the weight of baby and fluids, etc, my doc says I've actually lost MY mass and gained baby's. Whatever... as a plus sized lady, I'll take any excuse for weight loss!)
growing a foosa
At my appointment last week (35w5d), I was up 35 lbs. Ugh. Right before getting preggo, I lost 28 pounds and was the thinnest I'd been since getting married. I've definitely splurged with eating during this pregnancy though, and I think it's because I was so careful for a year prior to getting pregnant.
If I lost it once, I can do it again, right???
36weeks 5 days and 5lbs.
With DS I gained 40+ so I am surprised by this one!