I'm so thankful to have such a supportive DH.
I kinda think he was jealous that he couldn't come to the shower the other night :P
The next day, we both worked, and after I got home, he wanted to have a serious talk about what else we needed to get for the baby that we didn't get at the shower. Then he wanted to go work on the nursery some more. So, up we went. I was pretty tired so I sat in the rocking chair and he sat on the floor and organized the clothes we got.
Here he is. Sorting through tiny pink clothes. Asking questions like, whats the difference between a 3 month onesie and a 3-6 month onesie? Is the 3 monther exclusively 3 months? I had to explain to him that those numbers don't matter too much, and we would have to see what she fits in when she gets here.
Then he grabs the baby wipes out of a bag, and says what are these for? I said, cleaning off her bum when she poops/pees. He said, oh, I thought you just used toilet paper...
He's totally on top of the cloth diapering thing. Researching and testing them out.
I'm thankful to have him. He has asked questions and stayed interested this whole time. He read what to expect when you're expecting. I did not. We are both reading the book on sleep schedules we picked out. I really thought he would have no clue what to do, and leave it that way, but he is doing everything he can to educate himself before she gets here. He is pretty pumped for prenatal class too.
We got married when I was 21 and he was 20. When you're that young, it feels kind of like you're still just an older teenager. This whole process has made me view my husband as a dependable man, not just my best friend and husband.
Re: DH more excited than I am.
That is so incredibly sweet & so awesome that he is so involved and so excited. I am really happy for you & I don't even "know" you!
It is so amazing to see the change when a man goes from your husband to a DAD, I am just soooo excited about seeing my DH hold our LO for the first time!! I'm getting all sappy over here