February 2013 Moms

Nursing mommas...bottle question

The subject sounds silly, but the question is serious! I plan to bf, but pump too and bottle feed some. We just pulled out all of our bottles and it seems like we will replacing the small ones. We've used and liked dr. Browns, any suggestions on others? There seems to be many more choices since dd was born!

Also, how many do you have?

Re: Nursing mommas...bottle question

  • DS1 did really well with Tommee Tippee and had no issues going back and forth.

          DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13



  • We used the Medela ones and our little man loved them. That's the plan for baby girl too!!
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  • We used Dr. Brown's w/#1, but i wanted to try something diffrent b/c of all the parts.  I was btw Tommee Tippee and Avent, but spoke w/someone at Babies R us registry desk and they said people seem happiest w/Tomee tippee.  I bought 12 as our baby will likely be in daycare and we'll need a lot anyway.
  • I recieved free samples for Avent and Tommee Tippee, so we are going to try those two first before we go out and buy bottles.
  • My older one liked Dr. Browns. My younger one wouldn't take those and loved First Years Breastflow. I plan on picking up new breastflow bottles again this time around (I threw them out in a move).

    I wouldn't buy a lot of one type yet if you're planning on nursing. IME nursing babies can be pretty picky about bottles so you might want to buy 1 or 2 each of a few types (or 1 or 2 of one type to see if the baby likes those). I only had 3 bottles total for #2 since I SAH and EBF (#1 couldn't EBF, so I EPed then switched to formula at 6 months so she needed 9 bottles).

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  • Nuk or playtex
  • My daughter used the Avent when she was nursing/bfing but then when we switched to formula and she was strictly bottles she'd use any.  
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  • We had Avent for my DD, but can't find them.  So we are going with the new Similac ones for this little guy!
    Abigail Grace: 3/11/08 and Joshua Alan: 2/2/13 Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic 5losses from 7/4/10 through 11/22/11 - “When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time."♥
  • We used Dr. Brown's for DS #1, but then switched to Playtex Nursers for DS #2.  I really liked the nursers, so we're planning on using those again for DS #3.
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  • imageericalee27:
    DS1 did really well with Tommee Tippee and had no issues going back and forth.

    Yes, Tommee Tippee bottles have a really natural shape, I think (more boob-like). I also use the wide-neck Dr. Brown's bottles because they are easier to fill and I think they also have a more natural nipple. Like PP said, don't buy too many off the bat because you don't want 20 bottles that your baby won't drink out of. 

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  • After waiting a month to introduce the bottle to DD, she took fine to the Playtex drop-in bottles. Of course, when I went back to work for a month after my leave I dropped her off at my Mom's house and realized I had left her bottles at home. I ran to the store and all they had was an Avent. That bottle ended up being her favorite (but she would still take the others).
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    "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:26-27&33-34
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