Cloth Diapering

prefold ?'s

What band works best? Where has the best price? I will also need covers,how many,what brand? O is 6 months old. Thanks for all you help.

Re: prefold ?'s

  • Around here most people seem to like the Oso-Cozy and the Green Mountain Diapers(GMD) brands.  If you have some time to wait for it, GMD has seconds sales pretty often.  (Seconds are new diapers that just have minor flaws like a weird seam or a smudge of dirt on it. 

    Covers - It depends on how often you want to wash.  When my LO was in the runny EBF poop stage we easily went through 4-6 covers a day.  Now it's closer to 3-4.  So that would be 6-8 covers if you want to wash every other day. 

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  • I've used no-name diaper service prefolds, OsoCozys and GMDs. All work great. I bought every single one of them off either craigslist or eBay because I'm really cheap.

    For a 6 month old, you'll probably want at least 4 covers. I like Bummis Super Brite the best, but also use econobum and Thirsties Duo. I prefer to snappi my prefolds as opposed to tri-folding, so Flips are not my favorite even though they are a popular cover. But really, the only cover I've had a hard time getting a good fit with and could not use at all was Proraps mediums (which is weird since I loved the newborn size).

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