My shower was last night. We had a big turn out, about 40 or so came out. Lots of awesome gifts.
My only disappointment was that the person that I would have called my best friend 6 months ago didn't show up. She wasn't busy, or so says Facebook. She just didn't come. She has acted totally weird since I got pregnant. I posted about this before. I just kinda thought that she would support me. Guess not. :
Re: Almost perfect shower...
Some people are not ok with the lifestyle transition. I've completely lost touch with a close friend of mine because he can't seem to handle the fact that his drinking buddy is gone. I think we have friends that fit really well into our lives for a certain segment, but not quite so well for others. Since lots of lifetime milestones don't line up in two peoples lives, such as a successful career, marriage, babies, divorce-for some, you have friends in your life for each of these segments. I don't think you sever ties with friends who are at a different place in their life, but you do sort of drift apart for awhile, only to drift back together later on (or not).
I'm sorry your friend is not supporting you. I'm glad your shower was an otherwise success. I guess try to concentrate on all the great people in your life who ARE supporting you!
all of my friends have been amazing during my pregnancy but i actually lost TWO friends right after my wedding. i don't consider myself to be a high maintenance person or dramatic. both friendships ended for different reasons but i think at the core they did have to do with where we were in our lives and my wedding highlighted how far apart we had drifted.
it was very difficult for me to acknowledge the loss of these friendships as i felt like i, in some way, failed or was a bad person or didn't do enough to keep these friends.
milestone events can force issues and bring out differences. it can be hard to acknowledge the end of a friendship (especially since you don't typically break up like you do in a romantic relationship) and it can be hard to not feel responsible.
i don't know what to say other than you're not alone in having this experience and it is not necessarily about you or anything you did. the best you can probably do is forgive your friend for not being the friend you needed and yourself for not understanding what is going on (you might not ever know) and move on.
glad you had lots of love and support from others at your shower. focus on those folks!