February 2013 Moms

anybody have a stiff neck while very pregnant?

It's awful. I'm wondering what you've all done for it if you did experience it.  I have one more day of working and I'm contemplating calling in sick, but part of me wants to try and stick it out even though I can't move my neck. I don't have a desk job though. I'm on my feet as an ER nurse, so I'm not sure what I'll do since I'm so miserable with every movement.

I think I pulled a muscle while sleeping due to this horrific cold/cough I've been dealing with. The cough is literaly body shaking. And to add insult to injury I have to wear pads since I'm cough peeing all the time.  I'm a flipping hot mess right now. Part of me wants this over but at the same time I want to be well and able to move and let LO "cook" a little longer...I'm just so miserable.

Anyway, tell me what remedies you all have if you have any for this stiff neck. I'd appreciate them.

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: anybody have a stiff neck while very pregnant?

  • I do. Also an er nurse :) 

    tylenol and heat help mine.

    Good luck! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Cool, I've been doing that. Hubby got me a massage that I should probably cash in on. That might help. Plus, I broke out the muscle stimulator that I have had since I injured my hamstring running a few years ago. It actually feels a tad better after using that at low energy on my neck muscles. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. I hate calling in sick, so I will probably go in if I can muster up the energy.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I have been tight the entire pregnancy and continued to see my chiropractor but now I go weekly, which helps. I also use a heating pad every night. Good luck!
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