February 2013 Moms

What post partum belt do you plan on?

My birthing teacher told us that she highly reccomends us using a post partum belt or girdle after birth to help the stomach return to pre-pregnancy shape. I was wondering what you are planning on using or what you have used and loved or hated?

I didn't realize how expensive they were and would hate to waste my money.

Re: What post partum belt do you plan on?

  • FTM but I plan on using the bamboo belly bandit.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Just pick one up from Walmart. Since wont be used long after weight drops off. 1217 dollars the ones with snaps close tighter don't stretch out as soon.
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  • Does your hospital give you one if you request it?  They don't advertise it, but mine does if you ask for one.  I plan on getting the Belly Bandit Bamboo in the next size down, I have read the reviews (which are great) and many say they needed a smaller size after the first week or two... so I will let the hospital give me one and then buy the smaller size.  I am considering the Hip Shrinkx too because my hips have expanded like crazy! Hopefully this means LO will come out quickly!
    Baby #1 Due 2/21/13!
  • I plan on using the Bamboo Belly Bandit. I'm going to ask my hospital for one because last time I wasn't aware they give them out.
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  • imageRenee1105:
    FTM but I plan on using the bamboo belly bandit.

    I used this with my son, not the most comfortable but works!
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