February 2013 Moms

Breech Baby?

Hi Ladies!

Getting closer for all of us now!  At my appointment today, when they were feeling around, she said, I feel a little irregular, and that MAYBE the baby was breech.  It was weird to me though because I told her I feel movement up high and can feel feet under my ribs and when I do feel movement down lower, it usually feels like popping/hiccups?

They will check again at 36 weeks and then schedule an ultrasound if they think the baby is just to check.

For those who have/had breech babies, where do you feel movement at mostly?  I for sure thought I was feeling feet up high, but maybe not?

I know I have still have time for the baby to turn, but I should be doing more pelvic rocks! :)


Me: 29, ok
DH: 31, dx severe MFI..low everything
IVF with ICSI only option
First IVF-Oct 2011 ER 10/27/2011 12R, 10M, 8F
ET 10/30/2011 1 perfect embie
Beta 11/14/2011-BFFN
FET #1- Transferred 2 embryos (8 cell and morula)-BFN
Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism-Synthroid-helped levels after 6 weeks
FET#2- Transferred 3 embryos (2-6cell, 1-7 cell) Beta: 3/29/12....BFN
2nd fresh ivf-May 2012
Changed protocol to add Luveris
ER 05/27/2012 8R 6M 4F ET 05/30/2012 2embryos 9 cell and 6 cell
Beta 06/12/12 @13dp3dt - BFP 116
Second beta 06/18/2012 @ 1579
1st ultrasound 06/20 saw GS and Yolk sac
2nd ultrasound 06/29 heartbeat 120 bpm @ 6 weeks 4 days
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Breech Baby?

  • My first daughter was frank breech and all the movement I felt was up high. With a footling breech you would feel the bulk of the movement down low. Moral of the story is where you feel movement isn't a total predictor of breech or not breech.
    2.5 yrs TTC #1 - DX = Stage IV Endo, Lap performed Jan 2010
    TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP 
    TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
    TTC #3 - Jan 2013 -Surprise BFP!
    Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers
  • DD was a footling breech, she tap danced in my cervix all the time and shoved her head up into my ribs all day long!
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  • My LO has been transverse up until yesterday, I felt most movement on my right side where her feet were. I never felt any rib or bladder kicks.
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  • thanks ladies!
    Me: 29, ok
    DH: 31, dx severe MFI..low everything
    IVF with ICSI only option
    First IVF-Oct 2011 ER 10/27/2011 12R, 10M, 8F
    ET 10/30/2011 1 perfect embie
    Beta 11/14/2011-BFFN
    FET #1- Transferred 2 embryos (8 cell and morula)-BFN
    Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism-Synthroid-helped levels after 6 weeks
    FET#2- Transferred 3 embryos (2-6cell, 1-7 cell) Beta: 3/29/12....BFN
    2nd fresh ivf-May 2012
    Changed protocol to add Luveris
    ER 05/27/2012 8R 6M 4F ET 05/30/2012 2embryos 9 cell and 6 cell
    Beta 06/12/12 @13dp3dt - BFP 116
    Second beta 06/18/2012 @ 1579
    1st ultrasound 06/20 saw GS and Yolk sac
    2nd ultrasound 06/29 heartbeat 120 bpm @ 6 weeks 4 days
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This child has been breech for several weeks now with one foot down and one foot up.  Most of the movement I feel is the head up by my ribs, but I do feel some tap dancing lower where the one leg is positioned. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I could feel a definite head under my right breast when she was head up. My stomach would physically move when the baby had hiccups, I never felt them low.

    Babies can flip around, mine just turned head down at 36w3d after being head up for a majority of the pregnancy.  :)

  • my baby boy was breeched until last thursday at my 36 week appointment. I had been doing the exercises off spinningbabies.com...idk if the pelvic tilt thing worked or if lo finally got tired of being breeched lol. But i would feel his head pressing  painfully under my right rib cage but most of my movement was in the middle to lower part of my abdomen where his feet and knees were. now i don't have many kicks and things since hes turned head down..a lot more comfortable for me except the pressure in my girly  parts!
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