Hi Ladies!
Getting closer for all of us now! At my appointment today, when they were feeling around, she said, I feel a little irregular, and that MAYBE the baby was breech. It was weird to me though because I told her I feel movement up high and can feel feet under my ribs and when I do feel movement down lower, it usually feels like popping/hiccups?
They will check again at 36 weeks and then schedule an ultrasound if they think the baby is just to check.
For those who have/had breech babies, where do you feel movement at mostly? I for sure thought I was feeling feet up high, but maybe not?
I know I have still have time for the baby to turn, but I should be doing more pelvic rocks!
Re: Breech Baby?
TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP
TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
DH: 31, dx severe MFI..low everything
IVF with ICSI only option
First IVF-Oct 2011 ER 10/27/2011 12R, 10M, 8F
ET 10/30/2011 1 perfect embie
Beta 11/14/2011-BFFN
FET #1- Transferred 2 embryos (8 cell and morula)-BFN
Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism-Synthroid-helped levels after 6 weeks
FET#2- Transferred 3 embryos (2-6cell, 1-7 cell) Beta: 3/29/12....BFN
2nd fresh ivf-May 2012
Changed protocol to add Luveris
ER 05/27/2012 8R 6M 4F ET 05/30/2012 2embryos 9 cell and 6 cell
Beta 06/12/12 @13dp3dt - BFP 116
Second beta 06/18/2012 @ 1579
1st ultrasound 06/20 saw GS and Yolk sac
2nd ultrasound 06/29 heartbeat 120 bpm @ 6 weeks 4 days
I could feel a definite head under my right breast when she was head up. My stomach would physically move when the baby had hiccups, I never felt them low.
Babies can flip around, mine just turned head down at 36w3d after being head up for a majority of the pregnancy.