Our hospital has put a ban on kids being allowed on the premises who are not there as patients due to the whole flu thing. NC was one of the first states to get the outbreak and got hit extremely hard right before Christmas (I witnessed it first hand working in a pediatricians office). Now with the next outbreak on the rise and that 17 yr old who died from it nobody's taking any chances.
I'm totally understanding, just kind of keeping my fingers crossed they lift it in the next few weeks. I have a 14 mo old who I am DREADING being away from over night when I go into labor. I don't even want to consider not seeing her for two to three days. I seriously just teared up typing that last sentence. Not to mention I don't want to wait 3 days to introduce her to her new brother.
Don't think I'm being an irresponsible mom, I of course want to protect her....just a little bummed at the thought of being without my Elie Belie for that long.
Re: Kind of bummed even if it's best
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Are you having a c/s? If not, you can be released as soon as 24 hours after the birth. I was in the same position when I had #2, although the hospital didn't have a policy, I didn't really want #1 up at the hospital because of germs and the fact that he was so young and restless. I left DH at home with DS1 and I was pretty much alone at the hospital, so I decided to leave as soon as I possibly could, which was after 24 hours. I didn't really feel like I missed much.
But I will say that it was a huge reason for me choosing to have HBs with future children. With #3 it was nice to just be at home with the rest of the kids.
I know this is strange but I wish the hospital stay was longer lol. The second I left with number 1 I went from super chill-happy-thrilled new momma to basket case....literally before we got off the hospital eleavator. I guess that won't be the same this time since I have a toddler to go home to though...
I was the same exact way. It was way different for me with #2 though. I missed him and just wanted to get home to get back to my normal routine with him.
I figure it will be different this time especially since I HATE being away from dd. My mom gets mad I won't let her spend the night, but I just can't do it!
I kind of have to agree with you. I can totally understand the S+TM not wanting to be away from their other children. But for me, this is my first so I don't really have that. As soon as the CDC declares this flu season to be an "epidemic" our hospital will go into sort of a lock down. No visitors at all. May sound selfish of me, but I kind of like the idea of it only being me, DH, and our new LO for that entire time. Not to mention I have a feeling my brother might try to come to the hospital (if we don't have a lock down), even after I explicitly told him that since he's not getting the flu vaccine, he's not allowed around LO for the first 6 months. My brother has a horrible immune system so he gets sick ALL the time... yet still refuses the vaccine.
omg sorry about that...
What I was trying to respond with was that I was under the impression the rule is to protect the children who would be coming to visit as they're more prone to getting the flu than adults and the hospitals are admitting a lot of flu patients. Then again, to me it's common sense that if my child is sick she can't come to the hospital to visit...