February 2013 Moms

36 Week Appt with PIP

I had my 36 week appointment yesterday, which included a biophysical profile.  I've been having them weekly since about 32 weeks, along with NSTs.  Baby looks well, and my appointment was totally unnecessary.  Because I had the BPP, the OB didn't even check the heartbeat or measure me.  It was seriously the quickest appointment I've had.

Anyway, during my BPP, the tech switched over to 3D.  I'm not really a fan of 3D because I don't think they capture very flattering images.  She's flipped to 3D during all of my BPP's and each time, my initial impressions of the 3D were confirmed.

EXCEPT, this time, we got some awesome images.  It's the first time we've been able to see his whole face (he normally has it pressed into the placenta).  I was so surprised we got such good images so far along, especially because he's measuring on the larger size.  Anyway, here's my favorite picture.  I really think he looks like DS #1 when he was born, and DH thinks he looks like DS #2 (my boys don't really look much alike), so maybe he'll be a good mix of them both??


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