For most of my pregnancy I have been having a lot of normal, thin discharge but no other symptoms of anything amiss. At my MW appt last week she noticed the discharge and said she wanted to check it for yeast just in case. Turns out I have a low level yeast infection. My MW said its really important to check and treat it at this point because any yeast can be transferred to the baby during delivery and cause thrush, which can lead to lots of trouble breast feeding. She had me get an OTC Monistat and put me on a probiotic until I deliver.
I just wanted to share in case anyone is dealing with discharge and wants to ask about yeast potential at their next appointment. This would have never occurred to me if the MW hadn't brought it up!
Re: PSA re discharge
What brand of probiotics do you take? I'm on a tight budget, but I think things that would offset any necessary medical interventions are a definite go! I used to take garlic supplements at the first sign of a yeast infection, and it always cleared up within a day or two. I think too much allicin is a no no in pregnancy, tho...