February 2013 Moms

If you are watching the news...

...and hear something about a crazy pregnant lady in Canada who killed her husband for taking her pillow with him to work for the third time (when she has explicitly asked him NOT to all three times)... Then yes! That was me! 



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Re: If you are watching the news...

  • I can't believe he's still stealing your pillow! You need to hide it when you get up!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagepitterpatter129:
    I can't believe he's still stealing your pillow! You need to hide it when you get up!

    OMG, I can't believe he's STILL stealing your pillow, either! What in the world?! I am with pitterpatter - you need to start hiding that thing!  

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  • Does he not have his own pillow?!
    Little lady born 2/12/13 :)
  • Oh no. Not again. He ought to know better by now :(
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  • imageweinhaus:
    Does he not have his own pillow?!

     I bought him a $50.00 pillow for Christmas and told him to enjoy his own... So only he knows the WHY of the reason he thinks mine is okay to go to work with him. 


    I am actually hiding his most prized possession (a katana) for ransom until he buys a cheap pillow to take to work with him.  Check and mate. I hope.  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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