February 2013 Moms

TMI - anyone else itchy ?

This is definitely TMI,

Is anyone else itchy down there?  It just started this week.  It seems to come and go. But it's driving my crazy!  

I'm sure it's normal with the hormonal changes and all that, but it sure is annoying!

Re: TMI - anyone else itchy ?

  • Make sure your discharge is normal
  • That's definitely something that you should call your DR on. My OB said that's the first sign of a vaginal infection.
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  • I just got waxed about a week ago... could it be from that?
  • I had it last week and it was HORRIBLE. I asked on here about it because all I had was itching, no discharge, and a few ladies suggested the possibility of a yeast infection. Asked them to check at my OB appt. that day and sure enough....yeast it was.  One amazing little pill prescription pill that only cost $1.06 had it completly clear within 24 hours (but the itching really stopped for the most part after about 2 hours!) but my dr said the overthe counter stuff would be fine too.
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  • I was itchy on and off for weeks and it was horrible.  I was told to treat for a yeast infection with OTC monistat.. helped for a week. Then had a culture done, no yeast infection or bacterial infection, however was positive for Group B Strep.  So since I was itchy and had a yellowish discharge they gave me penicillin.. still itchy... treated for a yeast infection after the penicillin since they did say I could get one.  Itchiness gone.  Still have yellowish discharge which the doctors do not seem worried about.. 

     I did notice that if I was very active I'd swell up down there and that probably was the main source of my itchiness.  Can't even have sex or I swell up :( DH has been a trooper.  

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