February 2013 Moms

STM-question abt BF!

Just wondering while I am BF what I have to pay attention to with my diet. Are there similar restrictions as pregnancy such as no sushi/caffeine/lunch meat, etc? Or not really. I know that what you eat could make the baby gassy so be wary of some of that, but anything else? Just curious-cant wait for first spicy tuna roll!

Re: STM-question abt BF!

  • You can pretty much eat what you want.  I limit caffeine because it seems to make my babies fussy, but that's it. 
  • My grandma mentioned that chocolate makes babies fussy. I really tried to not eat it while BF but how could I not? Babies are just fussy ;) My baby was very sensitive to spicy foods and came out with a diaper rash no matter how mild it seemed to be to me. If you're curious, I'd keep a log of what you eat and how your baby reacted after you fed her. Congrats.


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  • Stay away from onions and garlic, they are hard on LO's bellies and makes them really gassy
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  • limit caffeine, broccoli, cabbage, and foods that cause a lot of gas
  • You can eat anything as long as your baby can handle it. With my first I ate anything and everything I wanted. My second was a screaming, writing in pain mess and finally my ped suggested I cut out all dairy and soy products and the improvement was remarkable. So I was off both until she weaned. Eventually she outgrew the sensitivities, but I was really glad I was able to nurse through it because hypoallergenic formula is really expensive and my insurance specifically excluded it! I will say no dairy and no say was one of the best diets I've ever been on. By 6 months post partum I was way below my pre-pregnancy weight!
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  • Oh, and I've never heard about limiting onions and garlic. Honestly, I couldn't imagine going without those; I'm an Italian cook, so those are the base ingredients for just about everything I cook! I couldn't imagine going without them! Luckily my kids did fine with them. I even added garlic to  their baby food purees (I made my own) as one of their first foods to get them used to it!
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  • Also bear in mind that when you are nursing, you need an extra 500 calories. In pregnancy, you only needed to add 200. Just make sure to drink a lot of water, try to eat a balanced diet including protein and unsaturated fat. You will see that if your baby has problems after you eat certain foods, then avoid that food. Otherwise, you can eat what you want. It's not like pregnancy where there are foods that everyone needs to avoid. It depends on your baby.
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  • Perfect-thanks everyone!
  • imageMLESSER100:
    Also bear in mind that when you are nursing, you need an extra 500 calories. In pregnancy, you only needed to add 200. Just make sure to drink a lot of water, try to eat a balanced diet including protein and unsaturated fat. You will see that if your baby has problems after you eat certain foods, then avoid that food. Otherwise, you can eat what you want. It's not like pregnancy where there are foods that everyone needs to avoid. It depends on your baby.

    I second this.

    I was exhausted, and really had to make myself eat even when I wasn?t hungry, and keeping up my liquid intake was a constant battle for me . As it was I still had supply issues as I knew I just wasnt eating or drinking nearly enough.I had to supplement with formula the whole time I was breastfeeding

    I?m normally just a one meal a day girl, and I dont snack. I?ll have a coffee in the morning, a small cup of juice and that will be it liquid wise till I eat my evening meal. I do drink a large glass of water thru the night tho. It?s the way Ive been since I was a teen, I?m 37 now, and after so many years it?s what my body is used to, but it sure isnt conducive to breasfeeding.

    I hope to do much better this time round.


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  • I only limited caffiene bc I worried it would keep DD awake, but the few times I threw in the towel and chugged espresso were some of her best sleeping nights, so go figure. I will CRY if this baby has dairy sensitivities CRY! Although I'd probabl get really skinny if I had to cut out mochas and cheese.... But I think I'd rather be fat!
  • imageMLESSER100:
    Also bear in mind that when you are nursing, you need an extra 500 calories. In pregnancy, you only needed to add 200. Just make sure to drink a lot of water, try to eat a balanced diet including protein and unsaturated fat. You will see that if your baby has problems after you eat certain foods, then avoid that food. Otherwise, you can eat what you want. It's not like pregnancy where there are foods that everyone needs to avoid. It depends on your baby.

    This!  Personally I stayed caffeine free, but otherwise I ate whatever I wanted. 

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