Had my growth scan this morning and dr. says DS2 is measuring right on target at 4.5 lbs. She guesses he'll be about 7-7.5 lbs at birth, that being said they thought DS1 would be 8 lbs and he was 10. No mature placenta or excess fluid this pregnancy WOOHOO! Belly is measuring 2 weeks behind where it was measuring 2 weeks ahead last time but I think a lot of that was how he was sitting this morning. I've gained a whopping 3 lbs this whole pregnancy.
So getting ready to leave and I ask Dr. if I will have an NST this time around since I had 1 with DS1 and she said no since your GD isn't medicated. I say "oh, well Dr. So and So has had me on my metformin this whole pregnancy" BAM.... NSTs twice a week for the duration.... that's 13 appts in the next 6 weeks! My boss is gonna be thrilled. I should have kept my trap shut LOL FTM's don't let all this freak you out.... I'm high risk so this is not a standard thing.
Here's a cute pic though.... he looks just like his big brother!
Re: Appt Update and a PIP