February 2013 Moms

Good thing I embrace this belly

I *love* being pregnant and am 100% thrilled with getting big when I'm pregnant, but if I were as sensitive as most moms-to-be understandbly are I probably would have killed someone yesterday.

 I don't know if It was what I was wearing or what, but man was I getting a lot of comments.  My favorite was the woman in front of me at the grocery store buying newborn formula....I had left DD at home with DH so I'm sure the assumption was that this was my first and after she told the clerk she was going home to a screaming newborn she looked at me and said "you ready? Any day now" I just laughed and told her it wasn't going to be any day I'm not due until the end of Feb. and I'm pretty sure I'll never be ready for a newborn and a 15mo old in the same house. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "End of Feb.?! Is that twins in there?!" When I assured her it wasn't twins she wnet on and on about "Did they check to make sure one baby wasn't hiding behind the other" etc.  I was just laughing at her because she was so seriously concerned.  Before she walked out she yelled over her shoulder "I'll pray for you" haha.  Some extra prayers never hurt :)

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Re: Good thing I embrace this belly

  • Every pregnancy is twins to a stranger. ugh
  • Haha people are dumb. However, sometimes I'm amazed there aren't twins in there. Like, really?! Just ONE baby?! I don't mind the belly, but to think I have 6 more weeks to get even bigger... Aye aye aye lol
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