February 2013 Moms

So relieved!

I posted a while back that I was worried that there was a girl in my town that might use the name Harper before we did. I was super worried as we didn't have another name to fall back on, and both DH and I agreed that we would change ours if she used the name. Our town is sooooooo small that there will be about 20 or less kids in her class. Since I grew up with a name I hate, names are pretty important to me, and I wanted her to have her own name, at least in her year. 

Well I'm pretty excited to say that she chose the name Arizona! Which I think is sweet. I am just so relieved...I've even racking my brain trying to think of alternative names and have come up with nothing that we both like...so thankfully we don't have to! :D

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Re: So relieved!

  • I totally get that.  I grew up in a small town as well and there were five Jennas and who knows how many Jennifers/Jens/Jennys in my high school...totally makes things so confusing!!!  Glad you won't have to worry about it anymore!



  • Lol glad someone does. Most say its no big deal to have 2 of one name but being in a very small town makes a huge difference. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I'm from a small town(well, maybe not by your standards, but in CA it's small...only one high school, only one junior high, definitely no mall and only 3 fast food restaurants...maybe more now, but they fight growth so prob not) and my name, Sara, is extremely common for my age. Never bothered me at all having girls in my class, on sports teams with the same name.

    I also think it's kind of cool when I find another kid with my son's name as it's less common than others. Actually he thought it was the coolest thing a few weeks ago when he met a girl with his name (name is Parker).

    I would totally go with the name Harper regardless cuz I happen to like the name a lot and I wouldn't care if someone else had that name, even in a small town. But I'm glad you don't have to deal with that since it bothered you.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • That's a pretty big town compared to mine! Our only school houses all grades. There are about 200 kids. We have 0 fast food places.  1 gas station. 1 grocery store. 1 very small hospital that has 8 beds. Nowhere to buy clothes or anything like that. If you need them you go to the city. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Probably a good thing you threw it out there on facebook.  It probably made them reconsider.
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  • Aw, Arizona is a sweet name -- and so is Harper!

    This means nothing, since you apparently held your name in disdain, but I really like the name Winter, too :)

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  • On its own winter is fine. But people still feel the need to call me spring summer and fall. It has just annoyed me forever. 

    No I didn't bring the snow

    No I wasn't even born in the winter.

    No its not my favourite season.

    Absolutely no, I am not naming my child summer.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
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