February 2013 Moms

Pulsating feeling...

So today I started to feel what I would describe as pulsating from the LO. Its def not the hiccups bc he has them daily and they feel different. They seem to quick to be any sort of arm or leg movement. Would this possibly be him simulating breathing or something? Its just kinda crazy and has been coming and going several times today. Any ideas?

Re: Pulsating feeling...

  • I had this happen maybe a month ago.  Just once though, and I had the same thought, that it was LO "breathing."  I could tell that her backside was pressed really hard against the front of my belly, I could even see my belly moving along with the pulsating feeling!  It was pretty surreal, but I haven't had it happen since.

  • I was told that this was muscular from your uterus - almost like after you work out and your muscles sometimes pulse afterward.
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  • imageNG2HD:
    I was told that this was muscular from your uterus - almost like after you work out and your muscles sometimes pulse afterward.
    So more like a contraction sort of thing??
  • I had the same thing happen the other night. I am completely convinced that it was LO doing practice breathing and being so close to the edge of my uterus. It was def different than hiccups, and really wasn't like a muscle twitch it was more calm and steady. My DH was able to feel it too and agreed it felt like breathing.

    I also timed mine against my own heart beat to make sure it wasn't my pulse. I counted how many I got per minute and it was about 50, which makes seen because babies breathe between 4060 times a minute.

    I take it as a sign that LO is getting ready to do some good breathing once she is born!

    Married to DH 10.29.11

    DD born 1.26.13
    DS born 6.12.14
    #3 due 12.6.16

  • From what I have read, babies cannot breathe in the womb because they can't breathe fluid. They get oxygen via the umbilical cord, and don't take a breath until birth they swallow fluid, but I don't believe that's like breathing...could be wrong. I world think muscle spasm or your own pulse.
  • I had something like this yesterday and today! No idea what it is; it didn't feel like hiccups and it didn't feel like normal movement either! I'm clueless!



  • imagebeanersmommy:
    From what I have read, babies cannot breathe in the womb because they can't breathe fluid. They get oxygen via the umbilical cord, and don't take a breath until birth they swallow fluid, but I don't believe that's like breathing...could be wrong. I world think muscle spasm or your own pulse.


    I did come across this:


    Though they dont technically breathe, it seems they do practice breathing.

     The 33 week info email hinted at this as well this week.


  • imagecmgedney:

    From what I have read, babies cannot breathe in the womb because they can't breathe fluid. They get oxygen via the umbilical cord, and don't take a breath until birth they swallow fluid, but I don't believe that's like breathing...could be wrong. I world think muscle spasm or your own pulse.


    I did come across this:


    Though they dont technically breathe, it seems they do practice breathing.

     The 33 week info email hinted at this as well this week.


    I saw that too, but hunted around for other articles to double check. I don't think the practice breathing, which is essentially inhaling fluid, would be strong enough to feel not like a deep breath would
  • I think it's practice breathing. I got to see my LO "practice breathe" at my last U/S, and the motions match up pretty accurately with what I feel in my belly sometimes. 

    BTW, it's the cutest dang thing you've ever seen... lol 

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  • I have this happen every couple of days. It is weird. It's not hiccups. It's like a rhythmic up and down motion liken to if you were push your finger into...well... the other side of a pregnant belly repeatedly lol. I read an article somewhere that this lady swore it was her baby "practice breathing" and her midwife thought she was nuts until she saw it herself. She had never seen it before in her 20 years of practice and called other nurses in to see it. Out of curiosity she had the woman have an ultrasound and sure enough she saw the baby breathing. I don't think a baby has that miraculous of muscle control to keep that kind of rhythm and I have felt enough hiccups in every spot of my stomach...(and butt) lol, to know that's not what it is. This normally lasts a few minutes for me. I have never timed it before. 
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