I keep seeing posts about LOs being head down or breech and talking about ultra sounds. Both of my friends having babies are having a CS because their LOs are breech, but they only found out because they had Ultrasounds. I have even seen some women say their Dr. thought he/she felt the head but it was really the butt. My MWs just push around on my stomach and feel for the head down at the bottom of my belly, and they always say they feel it, but is that really accurate? If all these Dr.s think they feel the head but it is really the butt then how do we know that my MWs aren't just feeling the butt? I won't have another U/S, so how do we know the baby won't come out feet first when I start pushing?? I feel what I think are feet up in my ribs, but I also feel a lot of movement down low, which I guess are her hands. Sorry I am rambling, I am just curious.
Re: How Do We Know if Baby is Head Down??
Ditto PP. I have had ultrasounds though, so I've been able to verify that my thoughts, and those of my OB's, are correct.
LO has his butt up high on my right side and his feet are on my left. The kicks feel distinctly different than the arm/hand movements, which are more like flutters. The kicks literally push so hard that my left boob will move.
This. Lots of OBs spend almost no time feeling the baby each visit (at least the ones who delivered my son didn't), most of them just don't have the time. When I was 36 weeks last time, my OB felt my belly for half a second and said she couldn't tell and needed to do an internal. I think a lot of them jump to internals or ultrasounds for convenience. But all the midwives I've seen during this pregnancy have spent at least 5-10 minutes just feeling my belly and telling me where everything is each visit.
growing a foosa
My OB feels my stomach for positioning at every visit. Baby's head is under my right breast and she feels pretty much nothing down low. I asked if it could be butt and my doctor was pretty confident that it isn't, due to the shape and how it feels. She's the professional, not me.. so I go with it.
I do have an ultrasound scheduled because we'll be scheduling a c-section if she isn't head down.
I only realized that my LO is head down after reading about it on the forum. When he hiccups, it is very low and I sometimes even feel it in my butt! I believe it is his butt that he pushes out from time to time either on my right side or front of my stomach high.
I have a Dr's appt on Friday so I am planning on asking if they could tell me so I can know that what I am feeling is correct or not.
During my last few appointments my midwife has been feeling my belly, and saying he's head down, but at today's appointment she checked me for dilation and while doing that she pressed a hand against belly to get a better feel and make certain that he's head down.
I also feel the hiccups really low, which is a good sign of him being head down.
I'm not sure I'd trust a midwife/doctor who couldn't tell whether baby was head down or not to deliver my baby.... What your doctor/midwife says about where baby is should be pretty on the dot. Most of them have a lot of experience in this area....
my MW felt my belly at 34 weeks and she said she thought she felt baby's head down, but then she felt up high and was like "well, that feels like a head, too".... so, yeah apparently baby has a big ol booty(doesn't surprise me, he's half black, lol)
but I'll be having a 36 week u/s because of GD so she wasn't too concerned.
This. I always feel hiccups right on top of my cervix. I also feel kicks on my right side near my ribs, and little flutters down low that I guess are hands.
Just as an FYI about the hiccups, my LO is breech (sometimes transverse breech) and I still feel hiccups down low all the time. I think his body hiccups and it makes his legs move. BUT I can definitely tell he's breech because i get STRONG kicks to the cervix and no kicks on top, and his head is so hard and round that it's obvious when I feel it under my ribs or on my side. His butt feels similar but more squishy if that makes sense? I've been doing spinningbabies for a few weeks now but no luck... I even did handstands in the pool! Ugh i dont want a c-section...