Our Feb 12 baby has turned into a January 9 baby! Liam Elias Kent arrived at 12:53am weighing 6lb 11oz and 20in long. I started having contractions at 9pm and they were bearable. I chalked it up to BHs until they werent so bearable. I arrived at the hospital at around midnight and he was born just under an hour later. When I arrived, I was 7cm dialated wow! I arrived too late to receive pain meds my 2nd delivery w/o pain mgmt and pushed for 1.5 minutes. It totally felt like longer. He was in a hurry I guess. Even being a month early, his vitals are great. He has breast fed and hasnt been fussy at all. Hopefully it stays that way ; It has been a pleasure being a part of this forum and I wish everyone of you a great rest of your pregnancy and flawless deliveries! Much love!
Re: He has arrived!
growing a foosa
Congrats to both my TTC buddies, Amberley18 and sb2006 on their beautiful babies!
Congrats! So glad you and baby boy are doing so well!
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Getting Pregnant"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt89219.aspx" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Congratulations!! Glad he's healthy and doing well!!
Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Holy moly, people are really starting to have their babies now! Ok I think it finally just hit me....
Anyway, congratulations!!! I absolutely love the name Liam, and I'm so happy you two are doing well!!!
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