February 2013 Moms

So annoyed...

I've done 2 1hr, and 2 3 hr glucose tests. I'm always borderline on the 1hr, so we do a 3hr "just to be safe". I come back normal on the 3hr.

As another "just to be safe" because I've had a pre-preg history of borderline numbers, my OB had me tracking my fasting sugars in the am. Starting last week my numbers were 98, 95, 101, 96, 95, 100, 97, 103, 105, and 96 this morning.

My baseline has always been mid-upper 90's pre-preg. But I had to see another OB at the practice when I was in L&D for monitoring (she was the doc on call), and my sugar that day was 129. I had eaten at 6am and my sugar was measured during the day, but can't remember the time of the blood draw, it was 4+ hours later, though because I went in after 10am. Based on that one day's sugars I have an appointment with a diabetes educator to learn how to inject myself with insulin (wtf), another appointment tomorrow with a diabetes dietician, and my already achey hands are even more agitated with being poked by a lancet every morning. 

 I really think these appointments are not needed, 70-100 is a normal range and considering my normal usually sits in the high 90's, low 100's do not seem like a stretch. LO has been checked numerous times and is growing on track. I get the "better safe than sorry", but when you're already stressed out with appointments, throwing more into the mix doesn't make the situation better. 

Mind you, some of my annoyance is that the woman at the diabetes center's office who called to arrange the 2nd appt was a royal b!tch. I don't live in the town I'm delivering in, I live closer to a clinic center they recently opened that offers ALL the same services. She called yesterday (for the appointment that's today) and said "Hi, this is ____ from ____ diabetes center, you have an appointment tomorrow at 1 pm at our Nashua office."

Um, yeah, no I don't. I have a preschooler to pick up at 1. She takes precendence, especially when you're calling me at 4:30pm on a Tuesday to tell me about an appointment that I didn't schedule on a Wednesday. She was argumentative when I told her I could do between 9:30 and noon, and when I suggested the clinic that's closer to me might have an appointment time she flat out told me she didn't have time to look it up and to call myself and figure it out.

If they weren't linked, and she'd been polite about it, I'd gladly call myself and see if they had better availability, but the way the whole phone cal went just pissed me off.  I did call the clinic though, and I did get an appointment that I didn't want/need.

I'm just venting because I'm having a bad morning already and I'm really dreading this.

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Re: So annoyed...

  • That all really sucks.  I hear your frustration, and when the office staff is unhelpful it is the worst.  Hang in there; only 35 days to go!  You can do it!



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