February 2013 Moms

Appt update

I had my 36w appt today and OB decided to do a cervix check since I've been having strong BH sometimes with cramping. I'm 1cm dilated and 50 percent effaced. He can feel baby's head bouncing on my water. He said it was a great start. I can't believe I'll be full term next week. Seems like this can't come fast enough but needs to slow down at the same time.
TTC #1 since 11/10 | Diagnosed with PCOS 11/28/11 | Lap 1/20/12: stage 2 endo & cyst removal
Clomid- No response
Metformin 1500 mg Femara 5mg + Trigger + TI Round 2 = BFP!
Beta 13DPO: 115, Beta 16dpo: 561 BFP Chart
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