February 2013 Moms

Didn't think it was possible to become more neurotic

I thought at this point in the pregnancy I'd be a little more relaxed but that's not the case. Perhaps it's just my personality type (prone to anxiety). 

I'm obsessed with feeling movement now. If the poor little guy even stops for a couple hours I think something horrible has happened. My best friend's cousin lost their baby at 40 weeks just this past October (severed umbilical cord) and I think that's been fueling my paranoia.

Not to mention the vivid nightmares I've been having. Some baby related...some not. Last night I was killing zombies with a shovel.

Anyone else going BSC? 

I have a growth ultrasound this thursday so hopefully that will calm me down for a day or two. 

Married: August 2008
DS born: February 2013
TTC #2: Nov. 14
Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16

Re: Didn't think it was possible to become more neurotic

  • Hi, let's be neurotic BFFs. Uh, yeah, I'm terrified of something happening. During 1st trimester, I was afraid of having another miscarriage. During 2nd trimester, I was convinced my cervix was shortening and that I was headed for certain PTL. And now I'm dreading some sort of cord accident. I'm a mess.
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  • oh I have been scared the entire time! sooo stressful!! does everyone get a growth ultrasound?
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  • imageJaci85:
    oh I have been scared the entire time! sooo stressful!! does everyone get a growth ultrasound?

    Not sure. Doc just said she wanted to get an idea of the size of this baby. 

    Married: August 2008
    DS born: February 2013
    TTC #2: Nov. 14
    Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
    BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16
  • imagemoosegal:
    Hi, let's be neurotic BFFs. Uh, yeah, I'm terrified of something happening. During 1st trimester, I was afraid of having another miscarriage. During 2nd trimester, I was convinced my cervix was shortening and that I was headed for certain PTL. And now I'm dreading some sort of cord accident. I'm a mess.


    I'm sorry about your previous loss. Yeah I need to stop googling cord accidents. Definitely not helping. We should pay someone to knock us out till it's time for labor Stick out tongue

    Married: August 2008
    DS born: February 2013
    TTC #2: Nov. 14
    Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
    BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16
  • I've been BSC since September with little glimpses of sanity here and there.  I was obsessed with the shortness of breath/strangling sensation during the second trimester and now I'm terrified of child birth to the point where I start shaking and sweating if anyone so much as mentions a hospital.  Please tell me I'll go back to feeling like my old self after I have this baby.  I'm afraid I'm permanently turning into a crazy person.
  • Um yeah, so I know exactly where you're coming from.  I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety a couple years ago.  For obvious reasons, I am not being medicated for these right now, and I have been doing ok.  Not great, but ok.  So yeah, I know all about BSC.  During 2nd tri, I was having ridiculously vivid nightmares too, about anything and everyone.  I think maybe I'm too exhausted now to have dreams that vivid, but I was a wreck while they lasted.  The anxiety has started creeping back these past few weeks, so I have started seeing my therapist again, just so I know if I need to go back on meds. 

    What I'm getting at is you're definitely not alone.  I'm a bit neurotic/anxious myself.  Imagine how neurotic we'll feel AFTER the baby comes and we have a whole other human being to take care of!

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  • I'm not crazy when it comes to the pregnancy/baby; I'm crazy in general.  I was scared to go down the stairs after dark to my car yesterday because I decided I might fall and die in the driveway in the freezing cold and leave DS alone in the house (DH works nights.)  I have visions of slipping in the tub and bleeding to death, or firey car crashes, visions of a plane crashing into the side of the house...random.

    On top of that, I keep losing things - keys, phone, papers, etc.  As a teacher, it makes things difficult. I spent 20 minutes wondering what I did with a huge tape dispenser on Monday.  And the other day I went to put gas in my car and opened the gas cover thing from inside the car and then realized I had pulled in on the wrong side.  Move the car around the pump - STILL on the wrong side! Had to get back in and move the car for the third time before getting the gas tank on the correct side to pump gas.  I was thinking, please no one be paying much attention to me...

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  • I've had a few nightmares about our baby dying. And one where I gave birth to a cat, and DH and I were really upset because neither of us are cat people, and we really wanted a human baby. :(  I swear I will lose my mind by the time this baby is born.
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    Congrats to both my TTC buddies, Amberley18 and sb2006 on their beautiful babies!
  • Same here, I'm so nervous every time he doesn't move, but then when he is moving it hurts... Hard to please!! I just cannot wait for him to be here so I can be at ease and know everything is ok
  • I'm also very neurotic when it comes to feeling LO move and knowing that he's okay.  Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, thinking that I had not felt movement recently, and I wait for it before going back to sleep.  The very idea of stillbirth is terrifying and I truly feel for anyone who has experienced such profound loss.
  • Um, yes.

    I have been having extreme hip pain so the other night I put a heating pad on my right hip and fell back asleep. I had a complete panic attack when I woke up an hour later because it had shifted some and was "heating" the right side of my belly. Convinced I had cooked my baby I lay there in fear for willing her to move. It took almost a half hour until I felt significant movement during which I had convinced myself I had either given her brain damage or killed her. 

    And this is my THIRD baby! 

    Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
    BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11 Pregnancy Ticker
  • I feel like I wouldn't be so crazy about things if I didn't spend time on the bump!  There are so many issues, problems and complications that I would not even be aware of if I weren't on this site.  But I just can't stay away! 

    For example, after being on this site for a few weeks I was so convinced that my baby would not have a heartbeat when I went to my first ultrasound. When the tech made a comment about being so far along, I actually asked, 'so there is a heartbeat?' And while that should have been reassuring, I came home and found out that a friend from work had her baby girl three days before but she passed away that day. 

     But I realize that whatever is going to happen will and if you can't do anything to change it then worrying about it isn't going to help.  Now I just need to believe this! lol

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  • I hear you! My cousin lost her first baby girl to placental abruption at 33 weeks last April... which is exactly where I am now! I think I was LESS worried about complications with my first pregnancy than I am the second time around!

    IT doesn't help that I've been terribly sick for the last two days, and having some pretty bad BH for two days.

                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

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