February 2013 Moms

I feel so dumb

As I get closer to my c/s date  (Feb 1), I feel like I'm getting dumber by the day.  I can't have a logical conversation with anyone at work because my mind is off racing onto the next thing while I'm still talking about the first thing.

I just got off the phone with our labor attorney and I'm pretty sure she thinks I've turned into a complete idiot.  

I absolutely HATE feeling like this.  I'm such a scatterbrain right now, and it's seriously making me want to cry.  If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's quality work, and I feel like I'm doing about 20% of my normal. 

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Re: I feel so dumb

  • Yep.  Yesterday I left my purse in a cart at Walmart.  Thank goodness it was still there when I returned.  

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  • And I just realized I posed on the wrong BMB.  Sorry!

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  • Don't worry I never make sense at work anymore. I can't tell you how many times I am meeting with my boss and colleagues and I can't for the life remember what my next sentence is going to be. Thank god I only have another week and half left but at this point I have zero energy to do anything here
  • I mumbled a whole sentence on the phone with my Mom this morning and hardly realized it!! Add that on top of my serious clumsiness and I'm a total wreck! 
  • I just sent my DH to the store with a list of nothing that I actually needed and just tried explaining over the phone that he needed to get other things and put the previous stuff back lol. Total pregnant brain going on
  • I had to say, "What?" at least a half a dozen times at wok today cuz I just could not understand what I was doing for some reason. I know this feeling sucks and I don't think any of us like it- But at least you aren't alone!
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  • I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and left my key in the ignition. Everyone I knew was at work that day and I had to take a taxi home. It ended up costing me $15 to get home for $10 worth of groceries that I didn't even need right away. I could have waited until my man got home...gahh...
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I feel the same way! I have actively rejected the notion of pregnancy brain throughout the entire pregnancy so far (ie: if I mess up or forget something, blame ME, not the baby!), but lately I feel so zoned out. I think it might stem more from a lack of sleep than pregnancy hormones, though, in my case! Zzzzzzzzzz.......
    BabyFruit Ticker
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