We're thinking about waiting a few years before trying for #3, maybe one year considering our ages and fertility status. So my questions are:
What method do you use and how effective is it?
If we're going to try in just one year, do you think getting an IUD would be silly?
Feel free to lay out your opinions on bc, we're definitely open to options!
Re: Birth control
When DS was 10 months old, we decided we were one and done. Shortly after his first birthday, we found out the IUD was not 100 percent effective! Ha!
At this point, I'm trying to figure out our best route for BC too after DS2 is born. Looking forward to hearing what others say.
Oh hey! I got ku'd with the copper IUD, too! Fun, fun.
My OB recommended a Mirena saying it was about 1% more effective. He's in BIG trouble if I get ku'd again with an IUD!
I've been on generic low esterin for close to 10 years (with the exception of when we decided to have DS) and it has been great! Right after DS I got mirena and hated it! I had it taken out the next year and went back to low esterin. I tried it because with a newborn it was hard to remember to take, but I hated mirena. We have only had one scare where I was randomly 3 weeks late. I notice since then that DH like to also pull and pray I think the scare traumatized him slightly...it wouldn't have been a good time to get pregnant.
Hes doing great! He's up to 1lb13oz now! Probably from all that bm I've been pumping
I got old, really fat, and to top it off I have a disease that
fuses my spine, so I have no range of motion in my neck.
Works for me.
This is us, except we have only been avoiding a pregnancy for 2 years so far. I am happy with it.
I have the Mirena since spring of 2011. I love it now... At I was not thrilled (lots of cramping) but its great now and I love the added bonus of not getting AF anymore.
After this I want DH to get snipped
La la la I can't hear you....I just got the Paragard Dec. 18th.
I loved paraguard while i had it. They did an ultrasound and figured out that my body was either "expelling " it or it was never placed properly to begin with.
So, hopefully you will be good for 10 years!
sounds like Paragard is the right choice for me!
The mini pill is how I conceived Rosie as well. Came out of nowhere since the pill made me not have a period.