February 2013 Moms

Grrrrrrr Walmart Registry

I found out last week that you can't register in the store anymore, you have to do it all online.  Only problem is most of the stuff on the website says "in store only."  It will not let you add those things to your registry.  Anyone found a way around this?
BabyFruit Ticker DS 6/6/06

Re: Grrrrrrr Walmart Registry

  • No but that is completely annoying! Maybe do Target instead?
    Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
    BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11 Pregnancy Ticker
  • I did Target as well, much easier!  Target is a good 20 minutes away and the older ladies at church won't go that far.  No big deal I guess, just one more reason to dislike Walmart!!
    BabyFruit Ticker DS 6/6/06
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  • This must have just recently happened because I registered at Walmart about a month ago and had no problems with doing it at the store.
  • I too had to end up doing Target because, like you, I tried to do WalMart and everything pretty much said "in store only" or "online only" and so I gave up and tried Target. Also if you have one nearby, Sears sometimes has good, affordable baby stuff. ^__^
  • If you register at target you can only return $70 of merchandise without a receipt per year. If it is on your registry, you'll have to show the purchase history if you are over your limit. I ran into this this weekend and there was another girl there with the same problem but she couldn't pull up her info since her baby was born in July.
    BFP #1 6/18/2012 // EDD 2/28/2013 // Birthdate 2/7/2013

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  • Don't even get me started on Walmart. Our store does still allow you register in-store. I tried to do that but apparently the lady at jewelry didn't get the memo and she went off on me, yelling how "we don't do registries". Uhm, then how did I get this registry piece of paper telling me to walk my a** back here to get my scanner at your counter? I ended up deleting my entire registry. They don't have much anyways and I figured if anyone wanted to buy from Walmart they could get w/e they wanted or check out my other registries and see if Walmart had the stuff. 

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