We came home on Christmas Eve from a get-together with my mom's friends to find a gigantic, life-size (although really MORE than life-sized, I swear it was over 6 feet tall) Scooby-Doo cutout on our front porch. It had a note taped to it that was typed on computer paper and said "Merry Christmas Noah (our DS), Love, Scooby Doo".
We literally have no idea who left it there. It is so huge, and it's dusty, like it was sitting in someone's garage - the bottom of it says something about it being from 1999, I am guessing that's when the movie came out...but seriously, what the hell?
I don't want this thing in my house. But now I am scared a neighbor did it trying to be nice/funny/cute and if they see it on the curb on Monday when the trash gets picked up, they'll be upset. What the heck do I do?
Re: The most random Christmas "gift"
I would start by asking around. Family, friends, FB status (if you are on FB). Ask in a neutral way.
Hilarious!! (Because it didn't happen to me.)
You are a genius, I am an idiot. This is wonderful advice. : )
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
I know!! I pointed it out to DH and he said "Seriously, someone has had this in their garage for like 10 years"...maybe more ; ) haha Just SO random and weird and I don't want your random piece of crap that you had in storage sitting in my garage taking up space now!
DS isn't quite 2...he doesn't even know who Scooby Doo is.
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
I am, too. I really don't feel like we have weird neighbors who would do that, so then that means someone would have to drive to our house to drop it off, on Christmas Eve...? And we haven't gotten one text, phone call, facebook message, etc from anyone saying "Haha, did you like that Christmas gift for Noah?". SO random!
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
Put a big sign on it:
We wish to thank the generous giver of this Scooby Doo,
please let us know who you are
I'm cracking up imagining someone driving around with a giant dusty Scooby Doo in their car!
This is what I thought, or it was a neighbor who just carried across the street knowing you weren't home. Weird and funny either way.