Eco-Friendly Family

Organic mattress

We are looking to replace our mattress (king sized) and would like an organic or eco-friendly one.  Anyone have any experiences they would like to share, brands you love, brands you hate?  TIA!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Organic mattress

  • We have a natural latex bed from Land & Sky (Lincoln, NE). We've had it for 5ish years and are quite happy with it. We visited the factory before purchasing and were pleased with the facility and staff. Our is 3 layers of 3" latex and you can customize your firmness at each layer.


    Our crib and twin mattresses are also natural latex and we got them through Organic Grace. It is a company out of California but they ship and are really great to work with. Talia is fabulous for getting your questions answered. 

  • We have a Natura EcoBrilliance mattress and we love it. I don't think they make it any more but it is wonderful! We've had it for about 3 years and it is exceptionally comfortable. We also recently purchased a Bella Serra Nove 3 full-sized mattress for our son. I've never slept on it but it is also very comfortable.
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