Cloth Diapering


Anyone try RockABums before? I've never heard of them before. They are on sale at today.
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Re: RockABums?

  • I've never heard of them... but they look a little gimicky.  I'd rather go w/ a tried and true brand.

    I'm not sure how exactly it's a "5 in 1" diaper either... I can see it being a pocket diaper or used like an all-in-two... but that's about it.  The fifth picture is just the cover snapped together FFS!  And the second picture just seems to be the same as the first, but with two inserts instead of one.


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  • I also love how so many diapers claim to be "the only diaper that fits from birth to toilet"... most don't start fitting properly until 10-12 lbs


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