So, the new Dr.Phil show that is airing tonight at 5:00pm (Eastern time) is about a young woman who is BULIMIC and PREGNANT....AND PREGNANT ON PURPOSE! The clip said she already had one child with problems from her bulimia, and now she purposely got pregnant again knowing she has an eating disorder that can be detrimental to her babies health. I understand eating disorders are a disease, but it's so freaking difficult to watch these women put their babies at risk and be selfish, and dare I say 'unfit' to be a mother. So many of us are doing everything and anything we can for at least one healthy beautiful baby, and these idiots are putting theirs at risk.... IT MAKES ME SO MAD! Life is unfair, obviously. Thats all I have to say.
TTC since early 2011
Re: Bulimic and Pregnant...VENT
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
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