Woohoo! Congrats! Snuggle in embies! : get some rest
Me (30) my best friend (38)
TTTC since "Jan 2011"
RE appt april 2012
Dx: PCOS and stage 1 endo
S/A 19 million, 48 motility, 1 morphology
6.1 progestrone
HSG: tubes clear
clomid 50mg + #1 IUI + trigger 6/9/12 BFN 6/18/12
Clomid 150mg +#2 IUI + trigger: 7/9/2012 BFN 7/18/2012
stage 1: endo removed 8/14/12
Letrozole 2.5mg+estrogen=cycle cancelled for
little to no response
Follistim 75 (10/15-10/19)
follistim 67 (10/20-10/21)
cycle cancelled due to over response
9 follies and very thin lining
~ IVF #1:BC pills started 10/27~
~IVF class schedualed for 11/13~
~ Lupron starts Thanksgiving day~
~Stims start December 1st~
~ER: December 12th ~
~ET: December 15th~
19 R. 12. Fertilized with ICSI, 2 transfered
only 1 made it to freeze!
Beta #1 12/27/12 (26)
beta #2 12/29/12 (78.9)
Beta #3 12/31/12 (149)
Beta #4 1/4/13 (48)
C/P on 1/4/13 @ 5 weeks and 2 days
~ IVF #2 ~
~ BC pills1/15-2/3~
~Lupron beings 1/31~
~stims start Feb. 9th~
~ER 2/21/13~
~14 R, 12 fertilized with ICSI~
~1 made it to freeze~
"Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end." Me:29 DH:29 TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues
Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN 8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F.
ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F! ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN 3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.
DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1; hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
(plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim) ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI) ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts. SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!! Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!! 1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!! 3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection Here Comes the Sun Blog PAIF/SAIF welcome!
Congrats!! Now get those feet up and let those embies snuggle in!!
Me: 37, DH: 35 :: TCC since 2/11 SA: Perfect! CD3 HSG = Blocked Right Tube
April- Femara 2.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN May- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN June- Femara 7.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN August- Lap & Hysteroscopy = Blocked & Partially Blocked Tubes September- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN October- 100mg Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN IVF # 1: Stims 11/30 ER 12/12/12! (10R, 10M, 8F, 2T, 6 F) :: Beta #1- 176 c/p @ 4w4d FET #1 February 26th :: Lost 4 to Thaw, Transferred 2 = BFFN IVF # 2 Stims 5/10 ER 5/21 (15R, 13M, 13F, 2T, 7F- 6d3 & 1d5) :: Beta # 1- 15 c/p @ 4w
FET #2 Cancelled, Right Tube Developed a Hydro 8/28 Hydro & Scar Tissue Removed Cleared for FET FET #2.2 Scheduled for September 20th 2 Thawed, 2 Transferred! Beta #1- 96, Beta #2 906! :: EDD June 10th 2015- 2 failed FET. We are done SURPRISE! BFP 8/8/16 EDD 4/1/17
DX: Infertile 6/11 Me: LPD, all other blood work clear. DH: low sperm motility,low count. Met with RE start clomid + TI + IUI 5/12= IUI cancelled due to positive Cystic Fibrosis carrier test. DH tested Neg. for Cystic Fibrosis,
6/12 Clomid + TI +IUI=BFN 8/10 IVF consult. IVF #1 Started BCP 9/2 Lupron 10/11 stims 10/27 ER 11/6!! 5 eggs retreived only 1 mature. FERT report shows none made it.Cancelled cycle.
IVF #2 BCP 11/18 Lupron 12/14
Stims start 12/29 ER 1/8 ET 1/11 put in 1 grade B and 1 grade C. Beta: 1/20 = BFN
IVF# 3 7/13 BFP ended in chemical pregnancy
9/15 diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance gearing up for IVF# 4 Dec/ Jan
TTC since June 2011
DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
Me (32): all clear
Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal. Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test
Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides. 2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI" Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012! ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature. TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues. 8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest." Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS. SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm 9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow! All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12! FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN moving on to DS DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN. DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086 1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac 2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat 3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!! PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
TTC #1 since February 2011
C/P 5W3D
Betas 8/30 (108) and 9/3 (565)
Me: 29 (3/5/13- high NK cells) DH: 28 (5/8/12- MFI low morph and motility)
Cycle #21 (IUI#1), Cycle #22 (HSG 9/21/12) and Cycle #23 (IUI#2)=
Cycle #24- December Snow Bunny IVF #1
ER 12/6/12 (14R, 11M, 9F), ET 12/9/12 transferred 2 day 3 embies
Bleeding and low betas=very cautious
Cycle #26 March Lucky Duck- FET #1
scheduled 3/20/13- CANCELLED- lining issues
Cycle #27 May Emerald- FET #1.2
delayed- Starting Trental for 3 months + natural cycles Cycle #28-30=
Cycle #31 August Shooting Star- FET #1.3
transferred 1 hatching blast 8/21/13=
U/S 9/19/13- HR is 128! U/S #2 10/4/13- HR is 174!
It's a BOY!
Me (30) my best friend (38)
TTTC since "Jan 2011"
RE appt april 2012
Dx: PCOS and stage 1 endo
S/A 19 million, 48 motility, 1 morphology
6.1 progestrone
HSG: tubes clear
clomid 50mg + #1 IUI + trigger 6/9/12 BFN 6/18/12 Clomid 150mg +#2 IUI + trigger: 7/9/2012 BFN 7/18/2012 stage 1: endo removed 8/14/12
Letrozole 2.5mg+estrogen=cycle cancelled for little to no response
Follistim 75 (10/15-10/19) follistim 67 (10/20-10/21) cycle cancelled due to over response 9 follies and very thin lining
~ IVF #1:BC pills started 10/27~
~IVF class schedualed for 11/13~
~ Lupron starts Thanksgiving day~
~Stims start December 1st~
~ER: December 12th ~
~ET: December 15th~
19 R. 12. Fertilized with ICSI, 2 transfered
only 1 made it to freeze!
Beta #1 12/27/12 (26)
beta #2 12/29/12 (78.9)
Beta #3 12/31/12 (149)
Beta #4 1/4/13 (48)
C/P on 1/4/13 @ 5 weeks and 2 days
~ IVF #2 ~
~ BC pills1/15-2/3~
~Lupron beings 1/31~
~stims start Feb. 9th~
~ER 2/21/13~
~14 R, 12 fertilized with ICSI~
~1 made it to freeze~
P/SAIF Welcome~ everyone welcome
Me:29 DH:29 TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues
8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F.
IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.
ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts. SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!! 1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection
Here Comes the Sun Blog
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
June- Femara 7.5mg + Trigger + IUI = BFN August- Lap & Hysteroscopy = Blocked & Partially Blocked Tubes
September- Femara 5mg = CX - No Response on Left = BFN October- 100mg Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
IVF # 1: Stims 11/30 ER 12/12/12! (10R, 10M, 8F, 2T, 6 F) :: Beta #1- 176 c/p @ 4w4d
FET #1 February 26th :: Lost 4 to Thaw, Transferred 2 = BFFN
IVF # 2 Stims 5/10 ER 5/21 (15R, 13M, 13F, 2T, 7F- 6d3 & 1d5) :: Beta # 1- 15 c/p @ 4w
FET #2.2 Scheduled for September 20th
2 Thawed, 2 Transferred! Beta #1- 96, Beta #2 906! :: EDD June 10th
2015- 2 failed FET. We are done
SURPRISE! BFP 8/8/16 EDD 4/1/17
Infertility blog
Trying for a baby since 4/10
DX: Infertile 6/11 Me: LPD, all other blood work clear.
DH: low sperm motility,low count.
Met with RE start clomid + TI + IUI 5/12= IUI cancelled due to positive Cystic Fibrosis carrier test. DH tested Neg. for Cystic Fibrosis,
6/12 Clomid + TI +IUI=BFN 8/10 IVF consult.
IVF #1 Started BCP 9/2 Lupron 10/11 stims 10/27 ER 11/6!! 5 eggs retreived only 1 mature. FERT report shows none made it.Cancelled cycle.
IVF #2 BCP 11/18 Lupron 12/14
Stims start 12/29 ER 1/8 ET 1/11 put in 1 grade B and 1 grade C. Beta: 1/20 = BFN
IVF# 3 7/13 BFP ended in chemical pregnancy
9/15 diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance gearing up for IVF# 4 Dec/ Jan
Everyone Welcome!
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
Me (32): all clear
Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test
Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found
froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
moving on to DS
DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
[IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2qmon5u.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd243/laurakat24/turkeybaster-1.jpg"[/IMG]