
Final Turkey Baster Check In!

***Turkey Baster's Check-In***

Congrats to all of those with BFPs. And HUGE HUGE hugs to those who need it.  

Siggy (just add the end brackets to front and back)

QOTD:  What gifts are you asking for this holiday season?


  • Cdale86 ET Nov 7th - Beta Nov 19th- CONGRATS!
  • CNYBride05 IVF #1 Beta 12/3! Congrats!
  • CoastalChristina IVF #1 ET 12/3! Beta 12/11! Congrats!
  • Destinyr61309 ET Nov 6th Congrats!
  • LauraKat81 ET Nov 12 Congrats and FX! I couldn't be happier for you!
  • LuvstheMagicWand IVF #1 Beta 12/5! Congrats & Good Luck!
  • Maggie2324 FET Nov 5th!! - CONGRATS!! U/S 11/30!
  • Maybe Joleisa IVF #2 Beta 12/14! Congrats!
  • Mayzie15 IVF #2 ET 11/29! Beta 12/10! BFP! Congrats & FX!
  • Mrs. Erin IVF #1 ET 11/30! Beta 12/11! Congrats!
  • Precious72381 ET Nov 11th- Beta Nov 20th! Congrats!
  • Reemap916 ET Nov 13th! Congrats!
  • Rorr2 IVF #2 ET Nov 22th! BFP! Beta 12/6! Congrats!
  • Sassy1JA ET Nov 10th!- Congrats!
  • Spring Fever FET ET Nov 18th! Congrats!
  • Wadzfaith IVF #1 ET Nov 26th! Beta 12/10! BFP! CONGRATS!


  • AprilBeachBride ET Nov 19th! (Hugs) (So sorry)
  • Brooklynesque IVF #2 Beta 12/4! BFN (hugs) So sorry
  • Daiseydooda IVF #1 ER Nov 14th! (Hugs) So Sorry!
  • DJMa81 ET Nov 30th - Beta 12/10! BFN (Hugs) So sorry
  • J&D2007 (Hugs) So Sorry!
  • Hopeful3434 Sorry, hun1 Hugs!
  • KSFrye FET Nov 12th - ((hugs!)) :(
  • KFlynn81 ET Nov 12th! :( So sorry love.
  • Firefly062 ET Nov 9th Beta Nov 20- BFN - so sorry Huge Hugs!
  • Freeman2121 ET Nov 9th! - (hugs) So sorry!
  • Melkel559 ET Nov 17th! So Sorry!
  • MsGMChick IVF #1 BFN! Beta 12/5 I am so very sorry! (Huge hugs)
  • RequiresExalted IVF #1 ET Nov 16th! (hugs)
  • RexManningDay ET Nov 12th! BFN! So Sorry
  • Shea202 ET Nov 11th! ((hugs!))
  • Sunflowers4AC ET Nov 9th! (Hugs) So Sorry!
  • Trey444 ET Nov 11th! So sorry love.
  • Vensell ET Nov 18th So sorry, hun. Hugs!

Turkey Angels:

  • Ball.and.chain ET Nov 6th- So sorry hon!
  • Bluek210 ET Nov 10th - No! Sorry hun. Huge hugs!
  • Carolina Blue Skies FET Nov 1st - Sorry hun. Hugs!
  • JewelsW1980 IVF #1 Beta 12/3! I am so sorry.
  • NurseCheryl81 ET Nov 2nd . ((((hugs!!)))) So so sorry.
  • rrdiva1 IVF #2 Beta 12/3! so sorry hun. Huge hugs!


  • Asilwhite IVF #1
  • Baker916 IVF #1 Snow bunny now!
  • Bhead81 IVF #1- Delayed. Boo Insurance
  • Brooke888Wed157297 IVF #1- Snow Bunny now!
  • Chucktgirl ((hugs))
  • Crystal120410 ((hugs))
  • DebateThis IVF #1 ((hugs))
  • Jenn0620 IVF #2 in Jan 2013 ((hugs!!))
  • Keephope2012 IVF #1 Converted to IUI
  • pbj1975 IVF #2 ER Nov 28! All arrested Very sorry, hun...
  • Spinch- Delayed till Jan 2013

Freeze all:
  • BrideJackie11 IVF #1 ER 11/30 Freeze all for a future FET
  • SteFizzRich ER Nov 1st- Freeze all.. FET early Dec!

In the 2WW:

Between ER/ ET:


On suppressants (BCP/Lupron):


Me 33 DH 36 Together 10 years, Married 5 years

TTC #1 since 8/2007 with MFI
November 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI #1; 11/28/12 - ER 12 eggs! 11 fertilized! 12/3/12 - ET - transferred 1 AA Blastocyst
Charlotte Hannah -born 8/13/13.

Re: Final Turkey Baster Check In!

  • QOTD:  I could really use some more clothes so that's on my list.  Not sure what else I want this year.

    Beta #2 is 222 so it more than tripled in 48 hours.  Next beta is next Thursday.

     I want to say congratulations to all of the Turkey Basters with BFPs.  And huge hugs and good thoughts to everyone else who needs them.


    Me 33 DH 36 Together 10 years, Married 5 years

    TTC #1 since 8/2007 with MFI
    November 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI #1; 11/28/12 - ER 12 eggs! 11 fertilized! 12/3/12 - ET - transferred 1 AA Blastocyst
    Charlotte Hannah -born 8/13/13.
  • I am trying to enjoy a little break during the holidays before we have our next FET in late January.

    QOTD: Besides a baby?  I've asked for new sneakers, an immersion blender, and my mom and I did some shopping this fall, so I have some new work clothes coming my way.

    My TTC Journey:
    Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea / mild PCOS (Pretty much a hormone/ovulatory disorder)
    Progesterone to induce period w/ the goal of Clomid - never got period (September 2011). Referred to RE.
    Femera - never responded to the meds (December 2011)
    Clomid with TI - BFN (February 2012)
    Injectables (Menopur) - hyperstimulated/canceled (March 2012)
    Injectables #2 (Menopur) with TI- BFN (May 2012)
    IVF - OHSS (transfer canceled), but 11 frozen! (June 1012)
    FET - 1 transferred on 8/09/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 350.3; Beta#2: 365; Beta#3: 157. Biochemical pregnancy.
    FET # 2 - 1 transferred on 11/01/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 337; Beta#2: 769. BFP!!! 1st ultrasound 11/28/12 showed heartbeat, but measuring 5 days behind. 2nd ultrasound 12/05/12 - miscarriage.
    FET # 3 - 1 transferred on 1/24/13. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): BFN.
    FET # 4 - 2 transferred on 3/21/13.  Bet #1 (11dp5dt): 660; Beta#2: 1,300.  Miscarried at home @ 6 weeks.

    FET # 5 - 2 transferred on 7/12/13.  Beta #1 (10dp6dt): BFN.
    Attempted an IUI in late August 2013, but didn't respond well.
    IVF #2 with PGS - Stims started 10/28 with retrieval on 11/11.  Of 14 mature eggs, 10 fertilized, 4 made it to Day 5 & 1 made it to Day 6. We did PGS on the Day 5 embryos, and 3 of 4 were normal. Had ET on 11/17. Beta #1 (8dp6dt): 203. Beta #2 (10dp6dt): 618. We since had two ultrasounds & on 12/19, our RE released us to the OB.  On 1/02/14, we had our first ultrasound with the OB where we heard the heartbeat.  We are so thankful for the blessing & crossing every finger & toe for a healthy & successful pregnancy.

    photo JuneBugs_IFbump.jpgimageimage



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  • Well. This is not where I wanted to be at my last Turkey Baster check-in!

    I had my D&E yesterday.  It went smoothly, the hospital staff were all incredibly kind to us, and I am completely relieved to have it behind us.  Between the sadness of losing the pregnancy and my dropping hormones, I am pretty damn weepy these days but trying to feel positive about our 5 frosties and our odds for success in the future.  I just scheduled my post-op visit with the OB and will meet with my RE after that to discuss our options for a FET. My RE wants me to wait for two periods, and said the first one after D&E will probably take 4-6 weeks to arrive, so I don't think we will be transferring again until March.  Shamrock Baby, anyone?

    Congratulations to everyone with a BFP.  I wish you all the best and send you lots of sticky baby vibes.

    To all who are in my boat, BFNs or cancelled, you have my sympathy! Hope to see you come back for another ride on the IVF train.

    QOTD: A viable pregnancy would have been nice. I think my wife bought me a Kindle, which would be great. Other than that, I didn't really ask for anything too exciting.

    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well at 5w4d I said goodbye yesterday to my little turkey angel. My hormones and body have been through hell, so I can't wait to feel "myself" again. It has been a crazy ride. Taking a cycle off to collect myself. I will do a final for now IVf#3 in January. I have a meeting with the RE dr. on Monday to go over things for next cycle. Dr. seems to think I will get take home baby soon, we shall see I still believe in miracles.

    Wishing everyone love, light and all good things! This was a great group of woman, and I wish nothing but the best for you guys! <3

    Married BF 6/29/2002/
    TTC Since Aug 2011/
    ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
    IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)

    IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
    Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
    ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
    stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan

    Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn

    Ivf#4 New dr. New protocol=beta1 197 beta#2 677 beta#3 1557
     u/s 8/13 =TWINS 2 strong hb
    Due Date 4/4/14


    My Chart//>


  • Hey girls. 

    Update: I had my WTF with my RE and a second opinion consult for IVF #2. I have no idea which RE to go with. MH wants to stay where we are but the other RE seems to have a better rate and do more with my DOR dx. I wish these decisions were easier. I'm considering seeing if I can do a phone consult with C.CRM or SI.RM. 

    QOTW: I have no clue. LOL. I did a bunch of shopping and I'm excited to see everyone open their stuff.  

    HUGE hugs to our BFNs and Turkey Angels. Congrats, CC!!! And to our BFPs.  

    imageimage. image 

    || 4 years TTC, 2 M/Cs image 4 failed IUIs, 1 failed IVF || 

    || DIA brought us our beautiful daughter || 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats to all those BFP's!!!!!! My BFN results were crappy but I was prepared for the let down. Started AF Friday, will be starting OCP's to gear up for the next FET.

    QOTD: mu hubby and I are thinking of getting a new puppy......not really asking for anything this year though.  

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