
Newbie to the board

We are at the very begining of our infertility struggle. Everything has come back normal with me. They have checked my thyroid and have done a interuterine (sp?) ultrasound and a hysterosalpingogram. And everything looks good. My DH is going for a SA on Monday. I am scared of the outcome, but hopeful that its good. I have a good reason to be scared to. My DH has had surgeries and problems in that area , if ya know what I mean. I am hoping for the best and fearing the worst. My question is what fertility options are there available for him? I know the ones for me, but not for him. Does anyone on here have male infertility? It would be nice to talk to someone about this, since I don't know anyone with my situation. TIA

imageimage Wedding Day: January 3, 2009

Re: Newbie to the board

  • I don't know anything about male infertility, but I'd like to say welcome and I'm sorry you have to be here.
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  • Welcome and so sorry you find yourself here. I have quite a lot of experience with dealing my MFI as you can see in my siggy and there are many ladies on here dealing with it as well. Treatment options and your plan moving forward are really going to depend on his DX. Step one is the SA. Hopefully it comes back ok but if not, schedule an appointment with a urologist who specializes in male infertility and he will do further testing, consult with you on options, etc. Try not to get too ahead of yourself until you have the results of the SA though..I know that is easier said than done. GL and hope your stay here is short and sweet!
    TTC since June 2011
    DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
    Me (32): all clear
    Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
    Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test :(
    Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
    2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
    Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
    ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
    TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found :(
    froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
    8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
    Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
    SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
    SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
    9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
    All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
    FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
    moving on to DS
    DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
    DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
    1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
    2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
    3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
    A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
    PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
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  • Welcome to the board, although I hope you won't stay here for long. We're also dealing with MFI but I totally agree with melkel559, try not to worry about it until you have the S/A results in your hands. MFI is a very vast field and it only makes sense to look at your options once you know what you're dealing with. GL with the test results!
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  • imagemelkel559:
    Welcome and so sorry you find yourself here. I have quite a lot of experience with dealing my MFI as you can see in my siggy and there are many ladies on here dealing with it as well. Treatment options and your plan moving forward are really going to depend on his DX. Step one is the SA. Hopefully it comes back ok but if not, schedule an appointment with a urologist who specializes in male infertility and he will do further testing, consult with you on options, etc. Try not to get too ahead of yourself until you have the results of the SA though..I know that is easier said than done. GL and hope your stay here is short and sweet!

    ^^^All of this^^^

    Welcome! It's entirely possible that his SA could come back normal, but in the case that it doesn't, this is all good advice. MFI is a confusing and frustrating place to be, but there are alot of great women here who can commiserate and offer advice!

    image imageimage

    TTC #2 with assistance since 03/11
    Me: 33, Autoimmune (Hashimotos and FMS/CFS)
    Treated with Synthroid, acupuncture, TCM and supplements
    DH: 33, MFI (very low on all counts, high antibodies, hemochromatosis)
    Many treatments tried, none successful

    IVF/ICSI #1 05/14 - EPP/Antagonist, Gonal-F and Luveris, 18R, 14M, 13F - SET of 1BC, all arrested on day 5 - C/P
    Genetic testing = normal, DNA Frag = excellent
    IVF #2 03/15 - Long protocol with Suprefact, Gonal-F, and possibly Luveris, adding in PICSI
  • Ditto to what Melkel said. Wait for the SA results and check back in on the board when you get them. Maybe some of us dealing with MFI can offer more advice/support once we know the diagnosis. GL!


    *****Siggy/Ticker Warning*****

     Me (34)- no issues found MH (36)- MFI due to Vericocele. Straight to IVF w/ICSI 9/12, Antagonist. 9R, 7M, 5F = BFN c/p,  New RE for IVF #2- 1/13., Long Lupron. ER on 1/22 -10R, 9M, 9F. Transfer on hold due to overstimming. FET in Feb. 2 frozen blasts. Another BFN & another c/p. RPL testing all negative besides MTHFR gene, vericocle repair surgery 4/12/13-Bilateral Grade 3 Vericocele found & fixed, IVF #3 with PGS  4/13- 11R, 9M, 9F. Transferred 2 normal=BFN, 3 normal on ice. CCRM-here we come! ODWU-All test results normal. EPP in August. 21R, 20M, 19F. 12 blasts biopsied & frozen for CCS testing. Results showed 11 normal! FET Oct. 30. 2 5d 4AA blasts transferred. First ever BFP!!! Beta 1=216, Beta 2=870 1st U/S=It's TWINS!!! It's a BOY and a GIRL!! Everyone Welcome!!! 
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  • Another MFI here. Like pp, don't take on more worry than you need.  Infertility is hard enough already.  There are lots of options out there though.  The women on this board are great and if you have to be here we'll all help you navigate it.  But I hope the SA comes back just fine and you don't need us!
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