
Update on my cryo

Well I have to say of all the procedures I've ever had this one takes the cake. I like to think I have a decent pain tolerance but maybe not. Halfway through the first session I was fixing to come off the table. I could feel my hips and pelvis contracting it was almost hard to breathe. The second session was slightly better I think because we were talking so I wasn't thinking snout it to much till the last 15 seconds I was hurting pretty good. When I stood up I thought I was going to fall over. The nurse didn't give me a pad and my mom had my purse in the waiting room so I opened the door to ask for one. I don't have panties or pants on and couldn't give a *** less, the dr comes in and gives me one. By the time I make it to the waiting room to get my wallet to pay for this torture session I'm doubled over. I go back around the office to pay and my mom meets me halfway with a very strong pain pill. My moms casa is about 45 min from the dr office and the whole time I was kicking my self in the butt for her driving her rough and bumpy little matchbox Audi car instead of my Tahoe. Won't make that mistake again. Get to the house, make it to the couch, mom gives me a muscle relaxer and thank God I fell asleep. I have never experienced that kind of feelings before. It's was a combination of my vagina throbbing, my rectum spasaming s/c, and my hips felt like they were going to snap in half oh and some awesome lower abdominal cramping. I hope that this was a fluke or maybe I'm just a pansy cause I would never wish this feeling on any body. Everything that I heard from people including my MIL was that it was just uncomfortable and would be sore. Well this was the farthest thing from those adjectives. Well it's done and over with and hopefully I don't have to do it again. Thanks for letting me complain ladies. Have a great Wednesday and best wishes to all the snow bunnies.
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Re: Update on my cryo

  • So sorry you had to go through that :( Rest up and feel better.
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  • That sounds like a nightmare. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Rest up and feel better soon!

    Unmedicated and medicated IUI's: all fail
    IVF #1: Dec 2012 16m/15f 12/9: 5dt of 2 beautiful blasts and 5 frosties
    15w4d:baby a-pProm
    March 25: 18w...2 baby boys born sleeping
    July 29: FET-BFN

    Sept: TAC placed

    Oct 27: FET #2-Cancelled-monster cyst producing insane amounts of estrogen

    Nov 13: FET #2-take 2

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  • I'm so glad it's over for you, that does not sound fun and sounds very painful. I hope your recovery is quick and you feel better soon. Rest up!
    Oct 13 April Siggy: Bunnies
    The 33 Most Important Bunny GIFs On The Internet


    DS born on 9/30/13 from IVF #1.2!
      Lilypie - (xNS5)
  • Oh, no! I'm sorry it was so awful and hope you are feeling a ton better soon!

    ***signature & ticker warning***

    Me: 30 ~ Stage IV Endo ~ AMH .38 ~ AFC 8
    AMH .97 as of 4/2012! ~ AMH 1.63 as of 4/2013!?!

    Him: 29 ~ perfect swimmers

    Laparotomy w/partial oophorectomy 8/2009 to remove cysts/endo.
    Stopped BCP 4/2010.
    Multiple clomid rounds from 11/2010 to 6/2011. ~ All BFN
    IUI w/clomid 7/2011. IUI w/clomid & injectables 11/2011 & 1/2012. ~ All BFN

    IVF:EPP 5/2012 ~ (4R, 3M, 2F w/ICSI). Both embryos txfrd. ~ BFN
    BCP to manage endo from 10/2012 to 12/2012.
    FET w/donor embryos #1: 10/2013 Cancelled
    FET w/donor embryos #1.2: 11/2013
    ~ ET of 2 beautiful blasts on 11/27.
    Beta 1: 503(12dp5dt) Beta 2: 1035(14dpt) Beta 3: 3001(16dpt)
    Beta 4: 8503(19dpt)
    Twins with an EDD of 8/15/14! Team Purple
    G&B born 6/30/14 at 33w3d via emergency c/s.

    If you're wondering about my's a fried pickle chip shaped like a fetus!


  • With the plethora of drugs I have on board I feel 200 percent better just pressure and sore. Ill take that anyday over the alternative. I can't thank you ladies enough for all of y'all's support it really means the world to me.
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  • So sorry you had to deal with that.  Rest up and I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Me 33 DH 36 Together 10 years, Married 5 years

    TTC #1 since 8/2007 with MFI
    November 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI #1; 11/28/12 - ER 12 eggs! 11 fertilized! 12/3/12 - ET - transferred 1 AA Blastocyst
    Charlotte Hannah -born 8/13/13.
  • I hope you never ever have to go through this again. I am so sorry it sucked big fat ones. Try to get some rest (((((hugs))))) I feel like you deserve a thousand cookies!!!!!!
    Married BF 6/29/2002/
    TTC Since Aug 2011/
    ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
    IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)

    IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
    Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
    ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
    stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan

    Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn

    Ivf#4 New dr. New protocol=beta1 197 beta#2 677 beta#3 1557
     u/s 8/13 =TWINS 2 strong hb
    Due Date 4/4/14


    My Chart//>


  • Im sorry you had to go through that. Rest up!!
    "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
    Me:29 DH:29  TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues 
    Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN
    8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F. 
    ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN
    IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
    ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
    3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.  
    DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1;  hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
    7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
    (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim)
    ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
    ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts.  SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
    Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!!  1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
    11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
    3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection

    Here Comes the Sun Blog
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!
  • Oh man that sounds horrible! Sorry you had to go through that..


     TTC since 9/10 consult 1/12 All testing came back fine Diagnosed with Unexplained infertility -3 medicated IUI's All BFN IVF - ER 11/14 24R, 15M, 13F ET 11/19, BETA 11/28 BFFN --Next step FET in Jan ET scheduled for 1/24. Beta #1 350 Beta #2 735. U/S Hell. miscarriage D&C at 9weeks. FET #2 ET 5/28 cancelled FET# 2.5 6/26 ET Beta 7/5 302 7/7 Beta #2 632 Everyone welcome

    image image

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yikes, I'm sorry it was that bad! Hope you feel better ASAP!
    Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL       DH: 32, Nothing 
    NTNP 2009-2012         TTC since 2012:
    • Clomid, 2 IUI cycles, and 5 IVF cycles = BFN
    • FET #1   August 2013 = BFP!     EDD 5/11/14
    • Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13
    • Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13
    • FET #2 --July 2014  BFP!  ---  EDD  4/5/15

    Jack has handpicked his sibling up there :)

    My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog

            Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 


                                                                              Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • I'm so sorry the cryo turned out to be such a nasty experience. Sometimes I don't know which one is worse, wether to know it's going to be bad and be mentally prepared or to be caught off guard and get a really bad surprise...

    In any case, I hope you get well soon!

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  • That sounds awful.  Glad that it is over now and you can begin recovering.  
    ***Siggy Warning***


    Started TTC June 2011Cycles #1-10 = BFNCycle #11: 100 mg Clomid + TI =BFNReferred to RE March 2012HSG all clear, FSH = 13, Prolactin = 28, S/A = greatApril 2012 MRI to check for brain tumor due to elevated Prolactin = clearJune 2012 Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps and partial septateJuly 2012 IUI #1 7/7/12 = BFNAugust 2012 IUI #2.1 Cancelled due to early/missed ovulation = BFNSeptember 2012 Forced break due to one huge cyst October 2012 IUI #2.2 = BFNNovember 2012 Begin BCPs for IVF #1December 2012 IVF #1 = Delayed due to cyst. Start stims 12/22January 2013 ER: 1/2, 14R, 10M, 9FET: 1/7 Transferred 1 "Perfect" blast! 4 frosties!Beta #1: 99 BFP! #2: 227 #3: 584 #4: 3,020Baby Boy born September 25, 2013

    TTC #2
    November 2014 - Begin BCPs
    December 2014 - Start Lupron 12/25
    January 2015 - FET #1

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    *Everyone Welcome*

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