After my failed IVF #1 DH and I have been discussing if we should transfer 1 or 2 embryos for our upcoming FET. Ultimately I am going to see what my doctor recommends but this is a good read.
Also what have the rest of you decided on transferring after a failed cycle and why??
Sorry I am full of what if's and like to hear others thoughts.
TTC since 9/10 consult 1/12 All testing came back fine Diagnosed with Unexplained infertility -3 medicated IUI's All BFN IVF - ER 11/14 24R, 15M, 13F ET 11/19, BETA 11/28 BFFN --Next step FET in Jan ET scheduled for 1/24. Beta #1 350 Beta #2 735. U/S Hell. miscarriage D&C at 9weeks. FET #2 ET 5/28 cancelled FET# 2.5 6/26 ET Beta 7/5 302 7/7 Beta #2 632 Everyone welcome
Re: Article on pros and cons on twins
we struggled with this too. particularyl because i ended up with a SCH before my m/c.
considering we put in two last time, had only one develop that eventually miscarried we decided to put two back in for our FET yesterday.
our goal was to end up with one healthy baby. part of our reasoning is I am 33, so we don't feel as though we have a ton of time left.
Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!
I transferred one with my first cycle and then two with my FET. If things go well and we have enough, we'll likely transfer two again this time.
My thinking was that originally I wanted to avoid the possible complications from being pregnant with twins more than I wanted to avoid a failed cycle. But after a failed cycle, my odds at getting PG lowered even further.
I wouldn't go above two embryos unless this goes on for a couple more years (oh, man, I hope that isn't the case) and my age starts to become a serious issue.
GL with whatever you choose.
I mentioned this in my ET post, but DH and I had said the whole time we would do whatever the RE recommended. Initially, we were told that if we made it to a 5dt with an excellent blast, the recommendation would be to transfer one. However, yesterday with my legs in the stirrups and spread eagle, the RE says "We are transferring two blasts today. Okay?" We were speechless. RE left to wash his hands. After sensing the shock, when he came back he asked my age and told us that we could elect to transfer only one. However, his recommendation was to transfer both blasts. RE looked at me to make the call. I looked over at my husband and he blurted out "TWO!!" So, two we did.
This was a fresh cycle and now we have two on ice. My clinic freezes in pairs, so any future FET would have two transferred (assuming both survive the thaw).
I think it is a very personal decision. Yesterday, we both just knew that two was the right decision. GL!
Me: 28; DH: 35
1/2008 -- Started TTC
3/2009 - FD discovered at 17 weeks1/2011 - Lap and HSG reveal Stage IV Endo and both tubes blocked.
4/2012 - Consult with RE for IVF#1 - Labs and SA are normal - Repeat HSG - SURPRISE! Both tubes are open.
May, June, August 2012 - IUI#1-3 - Letrozole + Bravelle + Ovidrel trigger = BFN
9/2012 - Lap#2 to remove endo and Hysteroscopy
IVF#1 (Long Lupron) - 12/6 ER - 20R 11F * 12/11 ET - Transferred 2 excellent blasts * 3 Frosties *
Beta #1 79.7 * Beta #2 240 * EDD - 8.29.13 * It's a GIRL!
When Not IF Blog
Everyone welcome!
TTC since Nov 2010 | Me: 29, DH: 31
DX - Severe DOR, Stage II Endo
6 rounds medicated TI, 3 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
After nearly 4 years of trying, our 1st BFP on IVF #3 (5R, 3M, 3F, 3 day 5 blasts frozen)
FET - Beta #1 - 116, Beta #2 - 266!! 1st U/S on 10/6 - HB 121 and measuring perfectly! EDD 5/30/15
Everyone Welcome
Baseball, Beagles, Beer and Babies Blog
Me- 32, DH- 32- TTC for 4 Years
IUIs 1-6 BFN
IVF #1= BFP- M/C
FET- Beta#1: 69, #2: 482, #3: 1088, #4: 28,318, Ultrasound- 1 beautiful heartbeat
It's a boy!
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
As I am still studying, we had originally decided to do single ETs. I also did a literature search on PubMed and found that most studies show a similar take-home baby rate for single and double transfers. The rationale is that doing single ETs will require more time to get a BFP compared to doing double ETs, but as multiple pregnancies carry a higher risk for complications than singleton pregnancies, the results will even out at the end.
So, this was theory... In real life, I've been so heartbroken after a mc and two failed single ETs, that my faith in science is completely shaken and I'm considering transferring 2 embryos if the next sFET also fails (we still have 3 frozen embies). After waiting for so long, I just want to be pregnant and I don't care with how many.
We just had a conversation with my RE about a FET yesterday after finding an empty sac on the ultrasound screen. She has always strongly recommended SETs and that is what we did the first time. When I asked her about timing for the FET she said she recommended two periods before we "put in another one." So it sounds like she still recommends one (for women under 35 anyway -- I am 34). I did get pregnant with one, it just didn't stick. And maybe if I'd done two and they both implanted, I'd still be pregnant now. But I really don't want multiples, and since my frosties are all good quality and I have enough (5) to try a few FETs, I'm going to do another SET. If that one fails, I may get desperate and do 2 on the 3rd try, but that's a discussion we haven't had yet.
I should say that although I don't want twins if I can help it, my concern is actually triplets. I have a close friend who transferred 2 embryos and ended up with triplets, one of whom she lost. They were all in the NICU and she is lucky to have two healthy children, but I don't want to go through that.
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*
TTC since 9/10 consult 1/12 All testing came back fine Diagnosed with Unexplained infertility -3 medicated IUI's All BFN IVF - ER 11/14 24R, 15M, 13F ET 11/19, BETA 11/28 BFFN --Next step FET in Jan ET scheduled for 1/24. Beta #1 350 Beta #2 735. U/S Hell. miscarriage D&C at 9weeks. FET #2 ET 5/28 cancelled FET# 2.5 6/26 ET Beta 7/5 302 7/7 Beta #2 632 Everyone welcome
My TTC Journey:
Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea / mild PCOS (Pretty much a hormone/ovulatory disorder)
Progesterone to induce period w/ the goal of Clomid - never got period (September 2011). Referred to RE.
Femera - never responded to the meds (December 2011)
Clomid with TI - BFN (February 2012)
Injectables (Menopur) - hyperstimulated/canceled (March 2012)
Injectables #2 (Menopur) with TI- BFN (May 2012)
IVF - OHSS (transfer canceled), but 11 frozen! (June 1012)
FET - 1 transferred on 8/09/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 350.3; Beta#2: 365; Beta#3: 157. Biochemical pregnancy.
FET # 2 - 1 transferred on 11/01/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 337; Beta#2: 769. BFP!!! 1st ultrasound 11/28/12 showed heartbeat, but measuring 5 days behind. 2nd ultrasound 12/05/12 - miscarriage.
FET # 3 - 1 transferred on 1/24/13. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): BFN.
FET # 4 - 2 transferred on 3/21/13. Bet #1 (11dp5dt): 660; Beta#2: 1,300. Miscarried at home @ 6 weeks.
FET # 5 - 2 transferred on 7/12/13. Beta #1 (10dp6dt): BFN.
Attempted an IUI in late August 2013, but didn't respond well.
IVF #2 with PGS - Stims started 10/28 with retrieval on 11/11. Of 14 mature eggs, 10 fertilized, 4 made it to Day 5 & 1 made it to Day 6. We did PGS on the Day 5 embryos, and 3 of 4 were normal. Had ET on 11/17. Beta #1 (8dp6dt): 203. Beta #2 (10dp6dt): 618. We since had two ultrasounds & on 12/19, our RE released us to the OB. On 1/02/14, we had our first ultrasound with the OB where we heard the heartbeat. We are so thankful for the blessing & crossing every finger & toe for a healthy & successful pregnancy.