
Intro... long


I have been a lurker for some time now and was wondering if I could join you in the IF board. I thought I could deal with IF all by myself, and I was very wrong? This board has been a great help already but I think now would be a good time to come out of the IF closet.


About myself:

I got married in 2007 and have been TTC since August 2010. In 2007 I started having severe pelvic pain and had a diagnostic lap/hysteroscopy where they found out I had mild endo. When we started TTC my Ob/Gyn told me that my endo could be a problem and I had already read it everywhere so I was mentally prepared that it could take a while.  After a few months of nothing happening, my Ob/Gyn agreed to do some tests and monitor a few cycles. It turns out that I had an ovarian cyst that was keeping me from ovulating. So, I had another lap in July 2011, got the cyst and a little bit of endo removed and was good to go.  After that, I had a couple of monitored Clomid cycles and had a good response. In the meantime, DH did a S/A and it was not good: around 1 million/ml, morphology <5% and motility also very low. I must say that I was not prepared for that, it was really a shock. I had been convincing myself for the last 4 years, that, if we were going to have fertility issues, it would be caused by my endo and nothing else. That was really naive? Of course, we were told that our only chance would be with IVF/ICSI and that?s what we decided to do. We saw our fertility specialist early this year and had a bunch of tests done. Apart from endo, I also have subclinical hypothyroidism and borderline high anti-cardiolipin IgM antibodies. I?m on L-Thyroxin and baby aspirin to hopefully correct those two things.


The stim cycle for IVF/ICSI #1 in June this year went really well. I stimmed for 11 days, didn?t have major side effects, got 11 eggs and 9 could be fertilized. As I?m still studying, we decided to transfer only one embie and all the others had to be frozen. (I live in Germany and the law on embryo protection here is different from the one in the US. I had to decide in advance how many embryos I would like to transfer and only those were allowed to divide. All other embryos have to be frozen while they are still in the pronucleus stage and are only thawed for FETs.) I was really excited during the whole cycle and got completely hysterical when I got the first BFP in my life. After that, things went downhill pretty fast. The betas started not to rise properly, my progesterone tanked (while using 6 Utrogestan pills/day) so I also had to get PIO shots. The first U/S was a great moment but on the second one we could see that there was a big SCH and the sac was measuring behind the embryo, so the doctor started preparing us for the worse. I had to do numerous U/S, because although the sac kept getting smaller we saw a HB at some point and I couldn?t stop the medication unless the HB was gone. The whole thing was just heartbreaking? Once we couldn?t see a HB anymore, I stopped all medication and waited for 2 weeks, but nothing would happen so I decided to do a D&C in August.


We did a FET in October and a FET in November but neither worked. For the second FET they actually had to thaw 4 embies to get a good one. Apparently, they would all arrest and not develop. I have no idea why this happened and it really bugs me. Now we have 3 frozen embies left and are planning to do another FET in January. I would have wanted to do another in December but I?ll be out of town for Xmas and my cycle just won?t help me. The waiting is really driving me insane?


So, I hope you ladies will take me into the group. I?m really looking forward to getting to know all of you and enjoy your company, although I wish we could all be somewhere else.




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Re: Intro... long

  • Welcome! I'm sorry you've had a rough go of things, but hope we can help you during your (FX short!) stay.

    ***signature & ticker warning***

    Me: 30 ~ Stage IV Endo ~ AMH .38 ~ AFC 8
    AMH .97 as of 4/2012! ~ AMH 1.63 as of 4/2013!?!

    Him: 29 ~ perfect swimmers

    Laparotomy w/partial oophorectomy 8/2009 to remove cysts/endo.
    Stopped BCP 4/2010.
    Multiple clomid rounds from 11/2010 to 6/2011. ~ All BFN
    IUI w/clomid 7/2011. IUI w/clomid & injectables 11/2011 & 1/2012. ~ All BFN

    IVF:EPP 5/2012 ~ (4R, 3M, 2F w/ICSI). Both embryos txfrd. ~ BFN
    BCP to manage endo from 10/2012 to 12/2012.
    FET w/donor embryos #1: 10/2013 Cancelled
    FET w/donor embryos #1.2: 11/2013
    ~ ET of 2 beautiful blasts on 11/27.
    Beta 1: 503(12dp5dt) Beta 2: 1035(14dpt) Beta 3: 3001(16dpt)
    Beta 4: 8503(19dpt)
    Twins with an EDD of 8/15/14! Team Purple
    G&B born 6/30/14 at 33w3d via emergency c/s.

    If you're wondering about my's a fried pickle chip shaped like a fetus!


  • Hi and welcome. It sounds like you've really been through the wringer. I'm so sorry that you've gone through all that pain and I hope your stay here is short and sweet.
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  • Holy moly that's a lot to handle. I'm so very sorry your here but you will find a wonderful group of ladies with tons of support, knowledge and even just a ear for venting. Best of luck!
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  • you have been through so much!  IF stinks and I am so sorry that you have to be on this board.  I wish you nothing but the best!
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  • Thank you so much for your kind words and warm welcome. I'm sorry for the long intro but putting everything down really helped clearing my head. I hope our stay here won't be long. 
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