Hey ladies!! Just wanted to update you that I've started designing the January badge!! I'll have it done sometime this week!!!
It looks like I'll end up possibly being a February girl... it'll be late January when we start injections since we're holding out in hopes for a grant. Our IVF Class is Jan 21st. So. Tired. Of. Waiting. 
Married 2005 | DH & I are 33 | DH diagnosed with CAVD & I have PCOS
IVF #1: February 2013
ER 02/13: 15R, 12M, 10F
ET 02/18: 5DT of 2 beautiful AA Blasts!
(none to freeze)
Beta Hell resulted in Chemical Pregnancy
Taking a Mental/Physical Break (vitamins & weight loss!)
IVF #2: July 2013
ER 07/03: 12R, 8M, 6F
ET 07/08: 5DT of 1 Early Blast & 1 BB Blast
(none to freeze, again)
HPT & Beta 07/17: BFN
IVF #3: April 2014
New RE (yay!)
ER 04/07 37R, 35M, 26F
Froze 5 Beautiful Blasts
PGS shows 3 are "Normal"
FET One 5AA Blast on 05/07
HPT & Beta 05/20 - BFN
FET: August 2014
Planned to transfer 2 embryos but only one made it.
Transferred one beautiful blast that had started to hatch!
BFP on FRER at 9dp5dt on 08/21
Beta #1 08/22 - 185
Beta #2 08/26 - 1123
Beta #3 08/28 - 2697
Ultrasound 09/05 - One beautiful bean with a heartbeat!
Re: January Badge is coming...
<a href="http://lilypie.com/"><img src="http://lpmf.lilypie.com/om0Em5.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Premature Baby tickers" /></a>
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=success-al&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_success.gif">
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=adopting&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_nicu.gif">
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=team-pink&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_pink.gif">
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=mommy-multiples&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_multiples.gif"></a>
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=c-section&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_csection.gif"></a>
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=preemie&utm_medium=ubb&utm_campaign=badges"><img src="http://images.thenestbaby.com/badges/tb_sig_preemie.gif"></a>
Yay! Thanks for creating the badge!! Let me know if you need anything!
GL moving forward, I hope everything works out for you!
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
TTC since Sept. 2011
IUI#1 8/2012: BFN
IUI#2 9/2012: BFN
IUI#3 10/2012: BFN
IVF#1 (2 embryos transferred) 1/2013: BFN
IVF#2 (2 embryos transferred) 5/2013: BFP!!! EDD 1/24/14
Beta 1 (5/17) - 66.8 Beta 2 (5/21) - 341 Beta 3 (5/27) - 2771
1st u/s 6/7 - measuring right on track at 7 weeks with 144 bpm!
My Local Nestie Besties: JenniferLuvsCandy, MABride0808, thecuddleeffect, MrsHo1030
My TTC Journey:
Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea / mild PCOS (Pretty much a hormone/ovulatory disorder)
Progesterone to induce period w/ the goal of Clomid - never got period (September 2011). Referred to RE.
Femera - never responded to the meds (December 2011)
Clomid with TI - BFN (February 2012)
Injectables (Menopur) - hyperstimulated/canceled (March 2012)
Injectables #2 (Menopur) with TI- BFN (May 2012)
IVF - OHSS (transfer canceled), but 11 frozen! (June 1012)
FET - 1 transferred on 8/09/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 350.3; Beta#2: 365; Beta#3: 157. Biochemical pregnancy.
FET # 2 - 1 transferred on 11/01/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 337; Beta#2: 769. BFP!!! 1st ultrasound 11/28/12 showed heartbeat, but measuring 5 days behind. 2nd ultrasound 12/05/12 - miscarriage.
FET # 3 - 1 transferred on 1/24/13. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): BFN.
FET # 4 - 2 transferred on 3/21/13. Bet #1 (11dp5dt): 660; Beta#2: 1,300. Miscarried at home @ 6 weeks.
FET # 5 - 2 transferred on 7/12/13. Beta #1 (10dp6dt): BFN.
Attempted an IUI in late August 2013, but didn't respond well.
IVF #2 with PGS - Stims started 10/28 with retrieval on 11/11. Of 14 mature eggs, 10 fertilized, 4 made it to Day 5 & 1 made it to Day 6. We did PGS on the Day 5 embryos, and 3 of 4 were normal. Had ET on 11/17. Beta #1 (8dp6dt): 203. Beta #2 (10dp6dt): 618. We since had two ultrasounds & on 12/19, our RE released us to the OB. On 1/02/14, we had our first ultrasound with the OB where we heard the heartbeat. We are so thankful for the blessing & crossing every finger & toe for a healthy & successful pregnancy.
Awe so excited to see the badge! That is very sweet of you.
I am so crossing everything that you get that grant!!!!!
TTC Since Aug 2011/
ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)
IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan
Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn
My Chart//>