
January Badge is coming...

Hey ladies!!  Just wanted to update you that I've started designing the January badge!! I'll have it done sometime this week!!!

It looks like I'll end up possibly being a February girl... it'll be late January when we start injections since we're holding out in hopes for a grant.  Our IVF Class is Jan 21st.  So.  Tired.  Of.  Waiting.  Indifferent

Married 2005 | DH & I are 33 | DH diagnosed with CAVD & I have PCOS

IVF #1: February 2013
ER 02/13: 15R, 12M, 10F
ET 02/18: 5DT of 2 beautiful AA Blasts!
(none to freeze)
Beta Hell resulted in Chemical Pregnancy
Taking a Mental/Physical Break (vitamins & weight loss!)

IVF #2: July 2013
ER 07/03: 12R, 8M, 6F
ET 07/08: 5DT of 1 Early Blast & 1 BB Blast
(none to freeze, again)
HPT & Beta 07/17: BFN

IVF #3: April 2014
New RE (yay!)
ER 04/07 37R, 35M, 26F
Froze 5 Beautiful Blasts
PGS shows 3 are "Normal"
FET One 5AA Blast on 05/07
HPT & Beta 05/20 - BFN 

FET: August 2014
Planned to transfer 2 embryos but only one made it.
Transferred one beautiful blast that had started to hatch!
BFP on FRER at 9dp5dt on 08/21
Beta #1 08/22 - 185
Beta #2 08/26 - 1123
Beta #3 08/28 - 2697
Ultrasound 09/05 - One beautiful bean with a heartbeat!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


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