I'm new to this message board community, and just message boards in general. I'm looking for a little encouragement as we undergo our first aggressive infertility treatment.
We have been TTC for 3.5+ years. I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2010. I have a right blocked fallopian tube, as a result. We have done 6 clomid cycles in the past. I have PCOS as well as annovulation. In November, we finally went to an REI doctor in LA (I'm from Bakersfield CA).
Since seeing him, he found a sub-septum (partial wall of tissue) hanging down in my uterus. Apparently, my uterus never fully developed. I had an outpatient surgery that corrected it. It's a month later and now we are undergoing other procedures.
I have been taking Provera for 10 days now to induce a menstrual cycle (due to my 35-45 day cycles). I am on day 10 of my pill, and waiting for AF to come. When should I expect bleeding?
After I start, I go in on CD3 and start Bravelle injections (twice a day) for 8 days. I will also go in on CD8 for an Ultrasound and measuring of my follies. When ready, I will get the trigger shot and go in for an IUI two days later.
This is the plan. I have no idea what to expect. Can anyone give me some good, seasoned, and encouraging advice? Thank you!!
Waiting anxiously to be a mommy,
Re: IUI with Bravelle Treatments
Thank you for your advice! So ice the area every time I inject the bravelle and then when injecting the HCG?
I'm not too worried about the IUI. It sounds like it's no worse than the HSG I have previously had done- mild cramping when entering the cervix?
Does it matter how long you lay there after the IUI? I feel like I need to lay there forever. Should I stay on my back for a day or two? What did you do?
Also- can you answer something for me? What are the "Snow bunnies" and other such pictures at the end of signatures about?
Thank you for your help
Me: 30 DH: 29
TTC since May 2009
PCOS and Anovulation
Ectopic Pregnancy in 2010
HSG revealed Right Blocked FT in 2011
DH Low- Average S/A
2011: 6 cycles of Clomiphene Citrate
Nov. 2012: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy/Lap. procedure to remove sub-septum in Uterus
Dec. 2012: Bravelle Injections with 1st IUI Treatment
Praying for little one- twins even!
"Therefore do not worry about what tomorrow may bring, for it will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34
Me: 30 DH: 29
TTC since May 2009
PCOS and Anovulation
Ectopic Pregnancy in 2010
HSG revealed Right Blocked FT in 2011
DH Low- Average S/A
2011: 6 cycles of Clomiphene Citrate
Nov. 2012: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy/Lap. procedure to remove sub-septum in Uterus
Dec. 2012: Bravelle Injections with 1st IUI Treatment
Praying for little one- twins even!
"Therefore do not worry about what tomorrow may bring, for it will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34
Yes, sorry I forgot to update my siggie! We had an appointment with our RE this week to get our IVF protocol, but decided instead to try an IUI cycle first. It`s not likely to work (we have pretty severe MFI) but we wanted to see how I would respond to stims. Still planning on February for IVF
Just took my first Letrozole today and start injects on Tuesday if all goes well!
As for the "Snow Bunnies" etc... badges, they're women who are currently, previously, or are about to do an IVF cycle. December Snow Bunnies for example, are those who are planning on having an egg retrieval/embryo transfer/FET in the month of December. There are check-ins twice a week I think?
I'd love to learn how to copy that quote, as you did, before replying!
Thank you for explaining the "Snow bunnies" badge.
Can you explain the Letrozole to me? Are the injections also Letrozole ones or gonadotropins of another sort?
Me: 30 DH: 29
TTC since May 2009
PCOS and Anovulation
Ectopic Pregnancy in 2010
HSG revealed Right Blocked FT in 2011
DH Low- Average S/A
2011: 6 cycles of Clomiphene Citrate
Nov. 2012: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy/Lap. procedure to remove sub-septum in Uterus
Dec. 2012: Bravelle Injections with 1st IUI Treatment
Praying for little one- twins even!
"Therefore do not worry about what tomorrow may bring, for it will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34
To quote a post, look under the post you want to quote. There are 2 buttons [<- Reply] [ Quote ] [Contact ->] if you hit quote, then it shows the post in your message box.
Letrozole is an oral drug (works much the same as Clomid). I'll be starting Gonal-F injections next week, so we're just doing a combination of the two
I'm nervous about doing injections, since it's my first time! How are you handling that?
*Edited for spacing
Injections can definitely be something to be nervous about. Luckily, my DH is an RN and so he is used to giving meds and such. However, I heard that they are injected in your belly? I thought they would just be in my hip or arm or something...I guess I didn't think too much about it. I saw a lot of posts about bruising around the belly button- due to the daily injection sites. I also heard some say that it burned once going in. THAT'S what I'm nervous about...and the possible side effects are never comforting.
Are you doing two-a-day injections also? That's what they are going to put me on after AF comes (which is a whole other frustration!). I was put on Provera (10 day pill) to start my cycle. I finished the last pill yesterday, and still no AF. It looks like this is the first of a few waiting games, though, so I should practice with a smile
When exactly do you start next week on the injections? Monday? I'd like to be praying for you. I'm Stephanie, by the way
Me: 30 DH: 29
TTC since May 2009
PCOS and Anovulation
Ectopic Pregnancy in 2010
HSG revealed Right Blocked FT in 2011
DH Low- Average S/A
2011: 6 cycles of Clomiphene Citrate
Nov. 2012: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy/Lap. procedure to remove sub-septum in Uterus
Dec. 2012: Bravelle Injections with 1st IUI Treatment
Praying for little one- twins even!
"Therefore do not worry about what tomorrow may bring, for it will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34
Oh goodness, you're lucky that your DH can do that for you!!! Mine is staying as far as humanly possible away from that. In fact, I'll be asking my neighbour (former IVF'er) to be doing my trigger shot, because I don't think I can give myself a shot in the bum. Just not logistically feasible I don't think?
I haven't taken Provera, but I do take progesterone supplements every cycle. AF doesn't show up for me until 2-3 days after I stop them, so that could just be the case for you? (Hopefully anyways!)
I think I'll likely be doing 1 injection a day? It depends on my next scan (Tuesday). Since I do ovulate on my own (just not very well) they're starting me on a fairly low dose. I guess we'll see though. I didn't ask about that part, though I guess I should have? I go for my injection class right after my scan, and get all my instructions then as well.
Thanks for the prayers
We pray for the whole board over here! And I'm Annie 
Hi Annie! How are you feeling?
When you say "scan" what do you mean exactly? An ultrasound? I'm interested to know what you learn at your injection class, please keep me posted!
AF came today for me today. That puts us at Wednesday with starting the Bravelle injections. I'm really nervous as to how they are going to make me feel. I'm really not looking forward to the emotional part of things...even though I'm thankful for them.
Ill let you know what I find out about the injections. I plan to ask about the icing technique...just out of curiosity.
Me: 30 DH: 29
TTC since May 2009
PCOS and Anovulation
Ectopic Pregnancy in 2010
HSG revealed Right Blocked FT in 2011
DH Low- Average S/A
2011: 6 cycles of Clomiphene Citrate
Nov. 2012: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy/Lap. procedure to remove sub-septum in Uterus
Dec. 2012: Bravelle Injections with 1st IUI Treatment
Praying for little one- twins even!
"Therefore do not worry about what tomorrow may bring, for it will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34