
Feel like I'm responding slowly....

So I went in for my daily ultrasound/bloodwork this morning.  Tonight will be day 7 of stims....I have no idea what my E2 is but my largest follicle is 13mm.  Yesterday I know I had 18 measuring 9mm-12mm.   Today the tech said I had 9 in the running?  I don't know what to think.  The nurse said I'm doing great and responding very well but compared to other numbers I've seen those don't seem that great.  I started off at 200 ius follistim per day and was dialed down to 75ius because my E2 shot up right away....I'm on 150 tonight.  I have 36 antral follicles so I really was expecting to have quite a bit to work with.  The tech did say that a lot of times the follicles start growing really fast once you get close to trigger so I'm hoping that's the case for me.  I'm trying not to worry about this as the tech also said that they never ever retrieve the numbers of eggs by the follicles on the screen.  It's always more or less....They are predicting my ER will be Tuesday or Wednesday next week so there's time I guess.  

Any insight is appreciated...I really freaking hate this!!!


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Re: Feel like I'm responding slowly....

  • I feel the same way about responding slowly. I am trying to just trust the doctors. That's what I am paying them the big bucks for. I am also trying to not stress about the fact that when I go back on Sunday for monitoring that I will be completely out of stims. Okay, we'll not completely...I will have the overfill in the follistim cartridges, but no menopur. Le sigh. This isn't their first rodeo. I shall trust they know what they are doing.

    GL to you!!

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    Me: 28; DH: 35 
    1/2008 -- Started TTC
    3/2009 - FD discovered at 17 weeks1/2011 - Lap and HSG reveal Stage IV Endo and both tubes blocked. 
    4/2012 - Consult with RE for IVF#1 - Labs and SA are normal - Repeat HSG - SURPRISE! Both tubes are open.
    May, June, August 2012 - IUI#1-3 - Letrozole + Bravelle + Ovidrel trigger = BFN
    9/2012 - Lap#2 to remove endo and Hysteroscopy 
    IVF#1 (Long Lupron) - 12/6 ER - 20R 11F * 12/11 ET - Transferred 2 excellent blasts * 3 Frosties * 
    Beta #1 79.7 * Beta #2 240 * EDD - 8.29.13 * It's a GIRL!

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    Everyone welcome!
  • No advice but good luck!
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  • I know, I know...that's what I keep telling myself too!  My doc has excellent success rates and i just need to trust what he's doing.  Sometimes I wish I didn't "know" anything about this stuff so I could just listen to them and not compare/freak out!  

    Thanks and GL to you too!  Hopefully they have some Menopaur to give you if you need more! 


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  • I was a slow stimmer and at day 7 my largest follicle was at 10 and I had 10/10mm follicles at the time. Things can change quickly while your stimming so just be patient I ended up with 24 retrieved and 15 mature. It's all about quality not quantity.


     TTC since 9/10 consult 1/12 All testing came back fine Diagnosed with Unexplained infertility -3 medicated IUI's All BFN IVF - ER 11/14 24R, 15M, 13F ET 11/19, BETA 11/28 BFFN --Next step FET in Jan ET scheduled for 1/24. Beta #1 350 Beta #2 735. U/S Hell. miscarriage D&C at 9weeks. FET #2 ET 5/28 cancelled FET# 2.5 6/26 ET Beta 7/5 302 7/7 Beta #2 632 Everyone welcome

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  • Thank you, I'm sure I'm overanalyzing...I'm very overtired and stressed out right now and that is NOT helping the situation.  I need to calm down and just see what happens.  

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  • I think average stim time is 8-12 days so try not to worry. As long as your e2 is increasing and your follicles are growing its all good!!! Plus....holy crud, 18 and 9 in the running?!? Yup, sounds pretty decent :)   And if its any last round there were only 8-10 follicles depending on who measured them but they got 11 eggs :)
    Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL       DH: 32, Nothing 
    NTNP 2009-2012         TTC since 2012:
    • Clomid, 2 IUI cycles, and 5 IVF cycles = BFN
    • FET #1   August 2013 = BFP!     EDD 5/11/14
    • Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13
    • Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13
    • FET #2 --July 2014  BFP!  ---  EDD  4/5/15

    Jack has handpicked his sibling up there :)

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  • No real insight, just sympathy and "I get it"s.  I'm trying to not stress, but it's definitely hard considering all the money and emotional energy that goes into these things.  Fingers crossed the doctors are right and your next monitoring appointment gets you more answers.
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